I suggest that you first get weewx running with the interceptor driver in a simple "normal" test environment. e.g. weewx host and console in the same subnet, no other fancy network and virtualization constructions.

Once that works, start changing step by step the test environment towards your finally planned setup and work out the issues on the path. Imho only such a systematic approach will lead you to the goal.

Many of your questions seem to come from your complex environment, and as long as you don' find anyone who completely understands your architecture (who would probably need a scheme, description, picture), the components used, their impact etc., you will most likely not get the proper answers.

I suggest moving from simple to complex.
epair0b is obviously a freenas speciality ...

On 18.01.2021 12:00, S R wrote:
I see in interceptor.py the default interface is DEFAULT_IFACE = 'eth0'
if i do ifconfig in the shell to the jail, the interface is 'epair0b'

should i be changing the interface?
still can't the debug to work.

On Monday, January 18, 2021 at 8:55:28 AM UTC+1 S R wrote:

    i figured out the utf-8 issue. weewx.conf has to be in utf, but i
    made the mistake of editing in the shell with edit. once i used
    geany and change the encoding back to utf-8 it came good.

    current status is;
    - console updates both ecowitt and wunderground online every minute.
    - config using ecowitt protocol with custom config pointing to
    local freenas jail / weewx server - path = index.php?
    - using seasons default report
    - weewx is not upating and pfsense is showing me below with a
    packet capture, but no rules are blocking.
    - i have tcp options enabled on both rules (WEEWX and WH2900C are
    on different VLANs)

    22    2.968670    WH2900C    WEEWX    TCP    58    20150 → 8080
    [SYN] Seq=0 Win=5840 Len=0 MSS=1460
    23    2.969709    WEEWX    WH2900C TCP    54    8080 → 20150 [RST,
    ACK] Seq=1 Ack=1 Win=0 Len=0

    On Sunday, January 17, 2021 at 8:54:36 PM UTC+1
    lang....@googlemail.com wrote:

        As a workaround I would remove / replace your suspects -
        change "Umlaute", if any, from Ä -> AE, Ö -->OE, Ü --> UE,
        accents just omit them and leave the vowels without them.
        They will anyway only appear in temporary graphs. Then figure
        out your UTF-8 issue and fix it, while your weewx could
        already run and archive data.

        On 17.01.2021 19:59, S R wrote:
        thanks for the clarification. i will switch the protocol to
        ecowitt, but the more immediate problem is the UTF-8 error
        which is now preventing weewx from starting.

        On Sunday, January 17, 2021 at 4:30:38 PM UTC+1 galfert wrote:

            This thread started with the discussion being around the
            Ambient WS-2902 and that is totally different despite
            looking like the same unit. This is because Ambient is
            the only Fine Offset clone reseller that changes the
            firmware and they limit options. The Ambient version does
            not let you upload to custom server address. The
            confusion here is that my response was because I thought
            you had and Ambient branded unit. Since you don't have an
            Ambient branded unit you do have the option to send to a
            custom server using both WU and Ecowitt protocols. The WU
            protocol is limited and only sends the basic set of
            sensors. The Ecowitt protocol allows you to send a lot
            more optional sensors like PM2.5, soil moisture, extra
            temp/hum sensors....etc. But still you'll have to
            configure the Interceptor driver to match the protocol
            type that you set in you WH2900C for uploading to your
            custom server.

            The GW1000 though is still a more elegant and newer

            * The newest Ambient WS-2902 firmware finally after many
            years does gain the ability to send to a custom
            server....BUT it is not WU protocol and it is not Ecowitt
            protocol....it is Ambientweather.net protocol and enough
            significant differences that the Interceptor driver will
            not work. This newest firmware is not yet officially
            supported by Ambient. They haven't yet release the
            updated awnet mobile app to enable turning and
            configuring this option. All of these complexities and
            changing nature of the situation makes it difficult to
            explain the situation to cover all possible
            scenarios...what model you have and whom it is from and
            what firmware version you are running and all the
            different supporting protocols that are possible.

            Using pfsense to capture and forward packets is really
            unnecessary for anyone with a non-Ambient WH2900C....as
            it has a built in simple to configure "Customized" server
            upload feature.

            On Sunday, January 17, 2021 at 7:32:03 AM UTC-5
            sjr4...@gmail.com wrote:

                For the record, mine is a Chinese Mi-Sol WH2900C. It
                is a copy of the Fine Offset WH2900 or the Ecowitt
                WS2950. Indeed, the unit requires a connection to
                Ecowitt to set the Time/Date and automatically
                downloaded the EasyWeather 1.56 firmware update from

                I haven't got the outdoor setup done yet, while i
                play with getting the unit up and running. but
                Ecowitt, shows my indoor temperature and pressure on
                the home page. I use pfsense so can run a packet
                capture if it helps. Since editing the weewx.conf
                file, i am getting the utf-8 problem. I guess this is
                related to me using European accented characters in
                my editors which are UTF-8. So that leaves me with
                two questions;
                1) how to have it accept the UTF-8 characters
                2) you mentioned not getting all the sensor data,
                unless using Ecowitt. In view, that i am. Can you
                tell me what additional parameters i need in the
                config file please.

                On Sunday, January 17, 2021 at 9:21:33 AM UTC+1 S R

                    almost there, but now

                    /usr/local/share/weewx # ./bin/wee_reports

                    Traceback (most recent call last):
                      File "./bin/wee_reports", line 103, in <module>
                      File "./bin/wee_reports", line 51, in main
                        config_path, config_dict =
                    weecfg.read_config(options.config_path, args)
                    line 180, in read_config
                    line 1229, in __init__
                        self._load(infile, configspec)
                    line 1287, in _load
                        content = self._handle_bom(content)

                    On Saturday, January 16, 2021 at 11:30:28 PM
                    UTC+1 galfert wrote:

                        Yes the best method when using the
                        Interceptor is to use the Customized server
                        settings. The path doesn't matter. But in
                        some firmware versions it just couldn't be
                        left blank or it wouldn't send. So just put
                        in index.php? for the path.

                        On Saturday, January 16, 2021 at 3:49:17 PM
                        UTC-5 sjr4...@gmail.com wrote:

                            OK. So i am homing in a little closer here.
                            I have configured the console to
                            wunderground and it is working.

                            Now i need to adjust weewx.conf with the
                            following, but as the weewx server is on
                            a different subnet, i will need to use
                            listen mode.

                            driver = user.interceptor
                            device_type = wu-client

                            If i understand, i can point the console
                            with a custom config to my server, and
                            then publish from my server to
                            wunderground right?

                            if i do that, what will the path on weewx
                            for the console?

                            host:      weewx.local.lan
                            Path:     ?
                            ID:           xxxxxx
                            Key:        xxxxxx

                            also, on a side note. I can't find the
                            log in freebsd.

                            On Saturday, January 16, 2021 at 9:17:02
                            PM UTC+1 galfert wrote:

                                What I understand you are saying is
                                that you have a WH2910 and you want
                                to interface it with WeeWX. Since you
                                don't have an Ambient version you do
                                have the ability to easily use the
                                Interceptor driver. Ambient WS-2902
                                can't without a lot of extra work.
                                You, with the WH2910 can simply
                                install the WeeWX Interceptor driver
                                and make sure your WeeWX config is
                                set to use the Interceptor driver
                                with the correct WU client settings:
                                driver = user.interceptor
                                device_type = wu-client

                                ...or you can add the Ecowitt GW1000
                                driver and the instead use the GW1000
                                API driver instead of the Interceptor
                                driver. This will allow you to add
                                more sensors.

                                On Saturday, January 16, 2021 at
                                2:54:09 PM UTC-5 sjr4...@gmail.com wrote:

                                    actually, mine is equivalent to
                                    the WH2910 - it is not a case of
                                    getting, i already have
                                    On Saturday, January 16, 2021 at
                                    4:42:53 PM UTC+1 galfert wrote:

                                        You have dug up quite an old
                                        thread. A lot has changed
                                        since. The recommendation now
                                        is to just acquire the
                                        Ecowitt GW1000 and use the
                                        WeeWX GW1000 API driver. The
                                        GW1000 will directly pick up
                                        your sensor data (it doesn't
                                        talk to the display
                                        console...as it is its own
                                        console). You'll get a much
                                        nicer experience with the
                                        GW1000, which will also let
                                        you add extra sensors.

                                        On Saturday, January 16, 2021
                                        at 2:43:44 AM UTC-5
                                        sjr4...@gmail.com wrote:

                                            were you able to get this
                                            to work in the end. can
                                            you share the weewx
                                            details please

                                            On Saturday, April 1,
                                            2017 at 4:37:01 PM UTC+2
                                            44085w...@gmail.com wrote:

                                                I see that weewx is
                                                said to support
                                                the FINE OFFSET
                                                WH2900 , I was
                                                wondering if anyone
                                                could share with me
                                                the protocol and port
                                                information that is
                                                in the driver? I

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