Ok, what's happening here: in the templates there are references to history 
table that weren't part of the skins default configuration

You need either to delete the section in the template:


or, and thats my sugesstion, add the configs in skin.conf, here is mine 
including my color scheme:

    # Settings for the HTML month/year colour coded summary table generator

    # minvalues, maxvalues and colours and fontColours should contain the 
same number of elements.
    # For example,  the [min_temp] example below, if the minimum 
temperature measured in
    # a month is between -50 and -10 (degC) then the cell will be shaded in 
html colour code #0029E5.
    # colours = background colour
    # fontColours = foreground colour [optional, defaults to black if 

    # Default is temperature scale
    minvalues = -50, -30, -28, -26, -24, -22, -20, -18, -16, -14, -12, -10, 
-8, -6, -4, -2, 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 
32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 45
    maxvalues = -30, -28, -26, -24, -22, -20, -18, -16, -14, -12, -10, -8, 
-6, -4, -2, 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 
34, 36, 38, 40, 45, 60
    colours = "#404240", "#646664", "#8C8A8C", "#B4B2B4", "#CCCECC", 
"#E4E6E4", "#743274", "#AC32AC", "#CC32CC", "#FC32FC", "#FC9AFC", 
"#143dde", "#3466FC", "#349AFC", "#34CEFC", "#34FEFC", "#047604", 
"#049A04", "#04BA04", "#04DE04", "#04FE04", "#FCFE34", "#FCEE34", 
"#FCDE34", "#FCCE34", "#FCBA34", "#FCAA04", "#FC9A04", "#FC7604", 
"#FC0204", "#EC0204", "#CC0204", "#BC0204", "#AC0204", "#9C0204", 
"#8C0204", "#740204", "#5C0204"
    fontColours = "#bbbbbb", "#bbbbbb", "#333333", "#333333", "#333333", 
"#333333", "#bbbbbb", "#bbbbbb", "#333333", "#333333", "#333333", 
"#bbbbbb", "#bbbbbb", "#333333", "#333333", "#333333", "#333333", 
"#333333", "#333333", "#333333", "#333333", "#333333", "#333333", 
"#333333", "#333333", "#333333", "#333333", "#333333", "#333333", 
"#333333", "#333333", "#333333", "#333333", "#333333", "#bbbbbb", 
"#bbbbbb", "#bbbbbb", "#bbbbbb"
    monthnames = "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "Mai", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", 
"Sep", "Okt", "Nov", "Dez"

    # Restrict the size of the table by ignoring everything before startdate
    # Specify in unix epoch time. e.g. 1325376000 is 1-Jan-2012
    #startdate = 1325376000
    # The Raspberry Pi typically takes 15+ seconds to calculate all the 
summaries with a few years of weather date.
    # refresh_interval is how often in minutes the tables are calculated.
    refresh_interval = 60

        obs_type = outTemp                 # obs_type can be any weewx 
        aggregate_type = min               # Any of these: 'sum', 'count', 
'avg', 'max', 'min'
        summary_column = true
        summary_heading = "Jahr"

    # Can also use these aggregate_types:  'max_ge', 'max_le', 'min_le', 
'sum_ge' to count days
    # where an observation is ge: greater of equalto, or le: lessthan or 
equal to a threshold value
    # To specify this threshold, use: aggregate_threshold = [value], [units]
    # e.g Specify temperature threshold of 20C:  aggregate_threshold = 20, 

        obs_type = outTemp
        aggregate_type = max
        summary_column = true
        summary_heading = "Jahr"
        obs_type = outTemp
        aggregate_type = avg
        summary_column = true
        summary_heading = "Jahr"
        obs_type = rain
        aggregate_type = sum
        summary_column = true
        summary_heading = "Jahr"
        #minvalues = 0, 25, 50, 75, 100, 150   # Override default 
temperature colour scheme with rain specific scale
        #maxvalues = 25, 50, 75, 100, 150, 1000
        #colours = "#E0F8E0", "#A9F5A9", "#58FA58", "#2EFE2E", "#01DF01", 
        minvalues = 0, 25, 50, 75, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 350, 390, 1000, 
1100, 1200, 1300, 1400, 1500, 1600, 1700, 1800, 1900   # Override default 
temperature colour scheme with rain specific scale
        maxvalues = 25, 50, 75, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 350, 390, 1000, 
1100, 1200, 1300, 1400, 1500, 1600, 1700, 1800, 1900, 5000
        colours = "#e6e5fc", "#cccafc", "#acaafc", "#8486fc", "#6c6efc", 
"#5c5afc", "#fc02fc", "#d402d4", "#9c029c", "#6d016d", "#ffffff", 
"#e6e5fc", "#cccafc", "#acaafc", "#8486fc", "#6c6efc", "#5c5afc", 
"#fc02fc", "#d402d4", "#9c029c", "#6d016d"
        fontColours = "#333333", "#333333", "#333333", "#333333", 
"#333333", "#333333", "#333333", "#333333", "#bbbbbb", "#bbbbbb", 
"#333333", "#333333", "#333333", "#333333", "#333333", "#333333", 
"#333333", "#333333", "#333333", "#bbbbbb", "#bbbbbb"
        obs_type = rain
        units = Days                        # Override default table units 
        aggregate_type = sum_ge
        aggregate_threshold = 1, mm
        summary_column = true
        summary_heading = "Jahr"
        minvalues = 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 31, 100, 120, 140, 160, 180, 200  
 # Override default temperature colour scheme with rain specific scale
        maxvalues = 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 31, 100, 120, 140, 160, 180, 200, 365
        colours = "#e6e5fc", "#cccafc", "#acaafc", "#8486fc", "#6c6efc", 
"#5c5afc", "#ffffff", "#e6e5fc", "#cccafc", "#acaafc", "#8486fc", 
"#6c6efc", "#5c5afc"
        fontColours = "#333333", "#333333", "#333333", "#333333", 
"#333333", "#bbbbbb", "#333333", "#333333", "#333333", "#333333", 
"#333333", "#333333"
        obs_type = windGust
        aggregate_type = max
        summary_column = true
        summary_heading = "Jahr"
        minvalues = 0, 1, 5, 11, 19, 29, 39, 50, 61, 74, 88, 102, 118
        maxvalues = 1, 5, 11, 19, 29, 39, 49, 61, 74, 88, 102, 118, 200
        colours = "#ffffff", "#72d475", "#10cd24", "#00b900", "#f1eea5", 
"#f6ef27", "#fed6d3", "#ffb6b3", "#ff9e9a", "#ff8281", "#ff6160", 
"#ff453c", "#ff200e"
        fontColours = "#333333", "#333333", "#333333", "#333333", 
"#333333", "#333333", "#333333", "#333333", "#333333", "#333333", 
"#333333", "#333333", "#333333"

        obs_type = outTemp
        units = Days                        # Override default table units 
        aggregate_type = max_ge
        aggregate_threshold = 35, degree_C
        summary_column = true
        summary_heading = "Jahr"

        minvalues = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
        maxvalues = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 365
        colours = "#fceded", "#fcdbdb", "#fcc0c0", "#fcaaaa", "#fc9090", 
"#fc7a7a", "#fc6060", "#fc4c4c", "#fc3030", "#fc1b1b", "#fc1b1b", "#fc0000" 
        fontColours = "#333333", "#333333", "#333333", "#333333", 
"#333333", "#333333", "#bbbbbb", "#bbbbbb", "#bbbbbb", "#bbbbbb", 
"#bbbbbb", "#bbbbbb" 
        obs_type = outTemp
        units = Days                        # Override default table units 
        aggregate_type = max_ge
        aggregate_threshold = 30, degree_C
        summary_column = true
        summary_heading = "Jahr"

        minvalues = 0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 18, 22
        maxvalues = 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 18, 22, 365
        colours = "#fceded", "#fcdbdb", "#fcc0c0", "#fcaaaa", "#fc9090", 
"#fc7a7a", "#fc6060", "#fc4c4c", "#fc3030", "#fc1b1b", "#fc1b1b", "#fc0000" 
        fontColours = "#333333", "#333333", "#333333", "#333333", 
"#333333", "#333333", "#bbbbbb", "#bbbbbb", "#bbbbbb", "#bbbbbb", 
"#bbbbbb", "#bbbbbb" 

        obs_type = outTemp
        units = Days                        # Override default table units 
        aggregate_type = max_ge
        aggregate_threshold = 25, degree_C
        summary_column = true
        summary_heading = "Jahr"

        minvalues = 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22
        maxvalues = 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 365
        colours = "#fceded", "#fcdbdb", "#fcc0c0", "#fcaaaa", "#fc9090", 
"#fc7a7a", "#fc6060", "#fc4c4c", "#fc3030", "#fc1b1b", "#fc1b1b", "#fc0000" 
        fontColours = "#333333", "#333333", "#333333", "#333333", 
"#333333", "#333333", "#bbbbbb", "#bbbbbb", "#bbbbbb", "#bbbbbb", 
"#bbbbbb", "#bbbbbb" 

        obs_type = outTemp
        units = Days                        # Override default table units 
        aggregate_type = avg
        aggregate_threshold = 5, degree_C
        summary_column = true
        summary_heading = "Jahr"

        minvalues = 0, 180
        maxvalues = 180, 365
        colours = "#fcfcfc", "#fcfcfc" 
        fontColours = "#333333", "#333333" 

        obs_type = outTemp
        units = Days                        # Override default table units 
        aggregate_type = min_le
        aggregate_threshold = 0, degree_C
        summary_column = true
        summary_heading = "Jahr"

        minvalues = 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 
        maxvalues = 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 
        colours = "#EDEDFC", "#E0E0FC", "#D0D0FC", "#C0C0FC", "#B0B0FC", 
"#A0A0FC", "#9090FC", "#8080FC", "#7070FC", "#6060FC", "#5050FC", 
"#4040FC", "#6020FC", "#9015FC", "#AF10FC", "#CC10FC"
        fontColours = "#333333", "#333333", "#333333", "#333333", 
"#333333", "#333333", "#333333", "#333333", "#bbbbbb", "#bbbbbb", 
"#bbbbbb", "#bbbbbbb", "#bbbbbb", "#333333", "#333333", "#333333"
        obs_type = outTemp
        units = Days                        # Override default table units 
        aggregate_type = max_le
        aggregate_threshold = 0, degree_C
        summary_column = true
        summary_heading = "Jahr"

        minvalues = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 16, 18
        maxvalues = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 16, 18, 365
        colours = "#EDEDFC", "#E0E0FC", "#D0D0FC", "#C0C0FC", "#B0B0FC", 
"#A0A0FC", "#9090FC", "#8080FC", "#7070FC", "#6060FC", "#5050FC", 
"#4040FC", "#6020FC", "#9015FC", "#AF10FC", "#CC10FC"
        fontColours = "#333333", "#333333", "#333333", "#333333", 
"#333333", "#333333", "#333333", "#333333", "#bbbbbb", "#bbbbbb", 
"#bbbbbb", "#bbbbbbb", "#bbbbbb", "#333333", "#333333", "#333333"
        # Creates a table of links to NOAA reports with the tag $NOAA_table
        # Comment out [[NOAATable]] if you do not need this.

        # Where to find the NOAA files and how they are named
        # Uses Python datetime convention 
        # %Y = YYYY, %y = YY, %m = MM, etc.
        year_filename = NOAA/NOAA-%Y.txt
        month_filename = NOAA/NOAA-%Y-%m.txt

Additionally, here are the keys for german.conf that are needed for these 
        min_temp = Tiefsttemperatur
        max_temp = Höchsttemperatur
        max_wind = Windspitzen
        avg_temp = Durchschnittstemperatur
        rain     = Niederschlag
        rain_days  = Anzahl Tage mit Niederschlag > 1mm
        desert_days = Anzahl Wüstentage (Maximaltemperatur ≥ 35 °C)
        hot_days = Anzahl heißer Tage (Maximaltempertatur ≥ 30 °C)
        summer_days = Anzahl Sommertage (Maximaltempertatur ≥ 25 °C)
        heating_days = Heiztage (Durchschnittstemperatur ≥ 15 °C)
        vegetation_days = Vegetationstage (Durchschnittstemperatur ≥ 5 °C)
        frost_days = Anzahl Frosttage (Minimaltemperatur ≤ 0 °C)
        ice_days = Anzahl Eistage (Maximaltemperatur ≤ 0 °C)

The problem is, everything is not really release ready and I never made an 
"vanilla" installation. And since my installation has already been running 
for some years, I don't really remember what came with the original skin as 
default and what is customized. All the other guys that have installed the 
"liveCharts" branch so far have very simililar customizations, so a fresh 
install like yours reveals many issues I didn't check so far.

Michael schrieb am Mittwoch, 24. Februar 2021 um 19:38:35 UTC+1:

> Hi Michael,
> thank you for the MQTT explanation. I saw when editing the skin.conf that 
> ws and wss are preconfigured. But I didn't think anything of it and was 
> under the misapprehension that mqtt would also work...
> Since the weather page will only run locally for me, I'll stick with my 
> config for now. But it's good to know what I can do if I want to go out 
> into the big wide world.
> Now to the topic: DEBUG user.gaugeengine: GaugeGenerator: Cannot decode 
> reading of 'None' for gauge 
> windDir' is understandable, there has been no wind here for a few hours, 
> so that also fits. For 'windDir' there are really many lines.
> But for 'outTemp', 'barometer', 'outHumidity', 'dewpoint'... there are 
> also these messages. Since the live values are displayed, the mapping seems 
> to be correct.  
> They don't really bother me, but I wanted to mention it anyway. I am 
> attaching the zipped syslog.
> Last point:
> Reason: cannot find 'max_wind' while searching for 
> 'BootstrapLabels.history_tables.max_wind'
> I haven't actually changed the language to German yet. That would have 
> been one of my next steps. But the value is not available in 
> skins/languages/german.conf. So I added it and now I get the following 
> error:hank you for the MQTT explanation. I saw when editing the skin.conf 
> that ws and wss are preconfigured. But I didn't think anything of it and 
> was under the mistaken impression that mqtt would also work... 
> Since the weather page will only run locally for me, I'll stick with my 
> config for now. But it's good to know what I can do if I want to go out 
> into the big wide world.
> Now to the topic: DEBUG user.gaugeengine: GaugeGenerator: Cannot decode 
> reading of 'None' for gauge 
> windDir' is understandable, there has been no wind here for a few hours, 
> so that also fits. For 'windDir' there are really many lines.
> But for 'outTemp', 'barometer', 'outHumidity', 'dewpoint'... there are 
> also these messages. They don't really bother me, but I wanted to mention 
> it anyway. I am attaching the zipped syslog.
> Last point:
> Reason: cannot find 'max_wind' while searching for 
> 'BootstrapLabels.history_tables.max_wind'
> I haven't actually changed the language to German yet. That would have 
> been one of my next steps. But the value is not available in 
> skins/languages/german.conf. So I added it and now I get the following 
> error: 
> Feb 24 19:07:24 weewx-test weewx[9347] DEBUG weewx.manager: Daily summary 
> version is 3.0
> Feb 24 19:07:24 weewx-test weewx[9347] INFO user.historygenerator: 
> historygenerator.py: Generated 6 tables in 0.57 seconds
> Feb 24 19:07:25 weewx-test weewx[9347] ERROR weewx.cheetahgenerator: 
> Generate failed with exception '<class 'NameMapper.NotFound'>'
> Feb 24 19:07:25 weewx-test weewx[9347] ERROR weewx.cheetahgenerator: **** 
> Ignoring template /home/weewx/skins/Bootstrap/history.html.tmpl
> Feb 24 19:07:25 weewx-test weewx[9347] ERROR weewx.cheetahgenerator: **** 
> Reason: cannot find 'max_wind_table'
> Feb 24 19:07:25 weewx-test weewx[9347] ERROR weewx.cheetahgenerator: ****  
> Traceback (most recent call last):
> Feb 24 19:07:25 weewx-test weewx[9347] ERROR weewx.cheetahgenerator: 
> ****    File "/home/weewx/bin/weewx/cheetahgenerator.py", line 323, in 
> generate
> Feb 24 19:07:25 weewx-test weewx[9347] ERROR weewx.cheetahgenerator: 
> ****      unicode_string = compiled_template.respond()
> Feb 24 19:07:25 weewx-test weewx[9347] ERROR weewx.cheetahgenerator: 
> ****    File "_home_weewx_skins_Bootstrap_history_html_tmpl.py", line 202, 
> in respond
> Feb 24 19:07:25 weewx-test weewx[9347] ERROR weewx.cheetahgenerator: ****  
> NameMapper.NotFound: cannot find 'max_wind_table'
> Feb 24 19:07:25 weewx-test weewx[9347] INFO weewx.cheetahgenerator: 
> Generated 10 files for report HTMLPages in 1.22 seconds
> Feb 24 19:07:25 weewx-test weewx[9347] INFO weewx.reportengine: Copied 13 
> files to /var/www/html/weewx/Bootstrap
> Feb 24 19:07:25 weewx-test weewx[9347] DEBUG weewx.reportengine: Report 
> 'FTP' not enabled. Skipping.

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