Hi Vince

Thank you for your answer.
The only values I get are the following:

- maxSolarRad
- windDir
- windGust
- windGustDir
- windrun
- windSpeed

I don't think my gear is in a degrading state because the WF was bought in 
December 2020 and the unit itself has been exchanged on warranty just once 
month ago.
The Battery Voltage is 2.56 volts at the moment.

Il giorno lunedì 8 novembre 2021 alle 18:15:18 UTC+1 vince ha scritto:

> You're going to have to tell us 'which' items have null values, but the WF 
> gear does back off on which sensors it reports on (and how often) as the 
> battery voltage gets low.  Perhaps your gear is in a degrading state.   
> Check your WF app for the voltage and perhaps open a support call via their 
> forums.
> On Monday, November 8, 2021 at 8:07:22 AM UTC-8 Mauro De Lauretis wrote:
>> Hi All
>> I was wondering If somebody could help me by finding out why I get NULL 
>> daa from some values from my WeatherFlow. Wind Data is the only I get 
>> without problems. This is my weewx.conf:
>> [WeatherFlowUDP]
>>     driver = user.weatherflowudp
>>     log_raw_packets = False
>>     udp_address = <broadcast>
>>     # udp_address =
>>     # udp_address =
>>     udp_port = 50222
>>     udp_timeout = 90
>>     share_socket = True
>>     [[sensor_map]]
>>         outTemp = air_temperature.ST-0048481.obs_air
>>         outHumidity = relative_humidity.ST-00048481.obs_air
>>         pressure =  station_pressure.ST-00048481.obs_air
>>         lightning_strikes =  lightning_strike_count.ST-00048481.obs_air
>>         avg_distance =  lightning_strike_avg_distance.ST-00048481.obs_air
>>         outTempBatteryStatus =  battery.ST-00048481.obs_air
>>         windSpeed = wind_speed.ST-00048481.rapid_wind
>>         windDir = wind_direction.ST-00048481.rapid_wind
>>         lux = illuminance.ST-00048481.obs_sky
>>         UV = uv.ST-00048481.obs_sky
>>         rain = rain_accumulated.ST-00048481.obs_sky
>>         windBatteryStatus = battery.ST-00048481.obs_sky
>>         radiation = solar_radiation.ST-00048481.obs_sky
>>         lightningYYY = distance.ST-00048481.evt_strike
>>         lightningZZZ = energy.ST-00048481.evt_strike
>> Greetings

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