Hmm, the RAW and LOOP packets are as to be expected, yet the archive
records contain the unwanted data. Something is injecting the bogus data
into the data stream. Another request: run

*wee_debug --info --output=/var/tmp/sanitized.txt*

Look through /var/tmp/sanitized.txt to make sure that it doesn't include
any unwanted passwords (they should have been obfuscated), then post it.

Thanks again.


On Thu, Feb 17, 2022 at 6:33 PM Rob Cranfill <> wrote:

> Your wish is my command! :-)
> On Thursday, February 17, 2022 at 5:52:21 PM UTC-8 wrote:
>> That's great, but now you have my curiosity piqued! All of the channels
>> have been shut off, yet the driver is still emitting values? How can this
>> possibly be?
>> Would you mind running weewxd directly from the command line with the
>> attached instrumented version of It will print out exactly what
>> is in the raw LOOP packets.
>> Oh, and if you could run
>> *wee_device --info*
>> just one more time to make sure all the channels are truly off.
>> Thanks, Rob!
>> -tk
>> On Thu, Feb 17, 2022 at 11:39 AM Rob Cranfill <> wrote:
>>> I do still see various "soil" and "leaf" values in the REC & LOOP data,
>>> but I'm happy now that I've simply removed the unwanted graphs from the
>>> "plot_groups" entry in Seasons'  skin.conf file. (as seen at
>>> :-) )
>>> REC:    2022-02-17 11:32:00 PST (1645126320) 'altimeter':
>>> '30.465171734312715', 'appTemp': '43.52206836601618', 'barometer':
>>> '30.467', 'cloudbase': '1476.5271458098498', 'consBatteryVoltage': 'None',
>>> 'dateTime': '1645126320', 'dewpoint': '40.863280558436664', 'ET': '0.0',
>>> 'forecastRule': '9', 'heatindex': '44.830000000000005', 'highOutTemp':
>>> '46.7', 'humidex': '46.7', 'inDewpoint': '42.72068451224605', 'inHumidity':
>>> '59.0', 'inTemp': '56.9', 'interval': '1', 'leafTemp1': '-89.0',
>>> 'leafTemp2': '-90.0', 'leafWet1': '1.0', 'leafWet2': '8.0', 'lowOutTemp':
>>> '46.7', 'maxSolarRad': 'None', 'outHumidity': '80.0', 'outTemp': '46.7',
>>> 'pressure': '30.29821430422651', 'rain': '0.0', 'rainRate': '0.0',
>>> 'rxCheckPercent': '98.22916666666667', 'soilMoist1': '4.0', 'soilMoist2':
>>> '8.0', 'soilMoist3': '4.0', 'soilMoist4': '32.0', 'soilTemp1': '-89.0',
>>> 'soilTemp2': '-90.0', 'soilTemp3': '-89.0', 'soilTemp4': '-90.0',
>>> 'txBatteryStatus': 'None', 'usUnits': '1', 'wind_samples': '23.0',
>>> 'windchill': '46.7', 'windDir': '157.5', 'windGust': '4.0', 'windGustDir':
>>> '135.0', 'windrun': '0.03333333333333333', 'windSpeed': '2.0'
>>> LOOP:   2022-02-17 11:32:30 PST (1645126350) 'altimeter':
>>> '30.465171734312715', 'appTemp': '43.52206836601618', 'barometer':
>>> '30.467', 'cloudbase': '1476.5271458098498', 'consBatteryVoltage': '0.8',
>>> 'dateTime': '1645126350', 'dayET': '0.0', 'dayRain': '0.0', 'dewpoint':
>>> '40.863280558436664', 'ET': 'None', 'extraAlarm1': '0', 'extraAlarm2': '0',
>>> 'extraAlarm3': '0', 'extraAlarm4': '0', 'extraAlarm5': '0', 'extraAlarm6':
>>> '0', 'extraAlarm7': '0', 'extraAlarm8': '0', 'forecastIcon': '6',
>>> 'forecastRule': '9', 'heatindex': '44.830000000000005', 'humidex': '46.7',
>>> 'inDewpoint': '42.72068451224605', 'inHumidity': '59.0', 'insideAlarm':
>>> '0', 'inTemp': '56.9', 'leafWet4': '0.0', 'maxSolarRad': 'None', 'monthET':
>>> '0.0', 'monthRain': '0.34', 'outHumidity': '80.0', 'outsideAlarm1': '0',
>>> 'outsideAlarm2': '0', 'outTemp': '46.7', 'pressure': '30.29821430422651',
>>> 'rain': 'None', 'rainAlarm': '0', 'rainRate': '0.0', 'soilLeafAlarm1': '0',
>>> 'soilLeafAlarm2': '0', 'soilLeafAlarm3': '0', 'soilLeafAlarm4': '0',
>>> 'stormRain': '0.0', 'sunrise': '1645110660', 'sunset': '1645148160',
>>> 'txBatteryStatus': '0', 'usUnits': '1', 'windchill': '46.7', 'windDir':
>>> '146.0', 'windGust': '2.0', 'windGustDir': '146.0', 'windrun': 'None',
>>> 'windSpeed': '2.0', 'windSpeed10': '1.0', 'yearET': '0.0', 'yearRain':
>>> '8.44'
>>> LOOP:   2022-02-17 11:32:30 PST (1645126350) 'altimeter':
>>> '30.465171734312715', 'appTemp': '43.52206836601618', 'barometer':
>>> '30.467', 'cloudbase': '1476.5271458098498', 'consBatteryVoltage': '0.8',
>>> 'dateTime': '1645126350', 'dayET': '0.0', 'dayRain': '0.0', 'dewpoint':
>>> '40.863280558436664', 'ET': 'None', 'extraAlarm1': '0', 'extraAlarm2': '0',
>>> 'extraAlarm3': '0', 'extraAlarm4': '0', 'extraAlarm5': '0', 'extraAlarm6':
>>> '0', 'extraAlarm7': '0', 'extraAlarm8': '0', 'forecastIcon': '6',
>>> 'forecastRule': '9', 'heatindex': '44.830000000000005', 'humidex': '46.7',
>>> 'inDewpoint': '42.72068451224605', 'inHumidity': '59.0', 'insideAlarm':
>>> '0', 'inTemp': '56.9', 'leafWet4': '0.0', 'maxSolarRad': 'None', 'monthET':
>>> '0.0', 'monthRain': '0.34', 'outHumidity': '80.0', 'outsideAlarm1': '0',
>>> 'outsideAlarm2': '0', 'outTemp': '46.7', 'pressure': '30.29821430422651',
>>> 'rain': '0.0', 'rainAlarm': '0', 'rainRate': '0.0', 'soilLeafAlarm1': '0',
>>> 'soilLeafAlarm2': '0', 'soilLeafAlarm3': '0', 'soilLeafAlarm4': '0',
>>> 'stormRain': '0.0', 'sunrise': '1645110660', 'sunset': '1645148160',
>>> 'txBatteryStatus': '0', 'usUnits': '1', 'windchill': '46.7', 'windDir':
>>> '146.0', 'windGust': '2.0', 'windGustDir': '146.0', 'windrun': 'None',
>>> 'windSpeed': '2.0', 'windSpeed10': '1.0', 'yearET': '0.0', 'yearRain':
>>> '8.44'
>>> On Wednesday, February 16, 2022 at 4:07:40 PM UTC-8
>>> wrote:
>>>> Rob, I'll be curious to hear whether you continue to get bogus database
>>>> entries after doing this.
>>>> On Wed, Feb 16, 2022 at 11:50 AM Rob Cranfill <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Aha, I see that now in the 'info' output.
>>>>> After repeated applications of the proper wee_device command,
>>>>>   wee_device --set-transmitter-type=*N*,10
>>>>> I now have:
>>>>>       Channel   Receive   Repeater  Type
>>>>>          1      active      none    iss
>>>>>          2      inactive    none    (N/A)
>>>>>          3      inactive    none    (N/A)
>>>>>          4      inactive    none    (N/A)
>>>>>          5      inactive    none    (N/A)
>>>>>          6      inactive    none    (N/A)
>>>>>          7      inactive    none    (N/A)
>>>>>          8      inactive    none    (N/A)
>>>>> Thanks!
>>>>> On Tuesday, February 15, 2022 at 11:35:22 AM UTC-8
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> For some reason, every channel in your console is active. You can try
>>>>>> shutting them all off except the ISS. Either do it through the console (
>>>>>> see your owners manual), or wee_device can do this.
>>>>>> Generally the ISS is on channel 1.
>>>>>> On Mon, Feb 14, 2022 at 5:37 PM Rob Cranfill <>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Well that 'splains it! :-) I'll set about removing those (and
>>>>>>> cleaning up the DB, right? As detailed elsewhere in this thread?)
>>>>>>> As requested,
>>>>>>> pi@pi3b:/etc/weewx $ wee_device --info
>>>>>>> Using configuration file /etc/weewx/weewx.conf
>>>>>>> Using Vantage driver version 3.2.3 (weewx.drivers.vantage)
>>>>>>> Unable to wake up console... sleeping
>>>>>>> Unable to wake up console... retrying
>>>>>>> Querying...
>>>>>>> Davis Vantage EEPROM settings:
>>>>>>>     CONSOLE TYPE:                   Vantage Vue
>>>>>>>       Date:                         Feb  3 2015
>>>>>>>       Version:                      4.18
>>>>>>>       Archive interval:             60 (seconds)
>>>>>>>       Altitude:                     150 (foot)
>>>>>>>       Wind cup type:                large
>>>>>>>       Rain bucket type:             0.01 inches
>>>>>>>       Rain year start:              1
>>>>>>>       Onboard time:                 2022-02-14 17:34:27
>>>>>>>       Barometer:                    mbar
>>>>>>>       Temperature:                  degree_F
>>>>>>>       Rain:                         inch
>>>>>>>       Wind:                         mile_per_hour
>>>>>>>       Latitude (onboard):           +47.6
>>>>>>>       Longitude (onboard):          -122.3
>>>>>>>       Use manual or auto DST?       AUTO
>>>>>>>       DST setting:                  N/A
>>>>>>>       Use GMT offset or zone code?  ZONE_CODE
>>>>>>>       Time zone code:               4
>>>>>>>       GMT offset:                   N/A
>>>>>>>       Temperature logging:          LAST
>>>>>>>       Retransmit channel:           OFF (0)
>>>>>>>     TRANSMITTERS:
>>>>>>>       Channel   Receive   Repeater  Type
>>>>>>>          1      active      none    iss
>>>>>>>          2      active      none    (N/A)
>>>>>>>          3      active      none    (N/A)
>>>>>>>          4      active      none    (N/A)
>>>>>>>          5      active      none    (N/A)
>>>>>>>          6      active      none    (N/A)
>>>>>>>          7      active      none    (N/A)
>>>>>>>          8      active      none    (N/A)
>>>>>>>     RECEPTION STATS:
>>>>>>>       Total packets received:       24546
>>>>>>>       Total packets missed:         143
>>>>>>>       Number of resynchronizations: 0
>>>>>>>       Longest good stretch:         677
>>>>>>>       Number of CRC errors:         16
>>>>>>>       Current barometer reading:    29.980 inHg
>>>>>>>       Altitude:                     150 feet
>>>>>>>       Dew point:                    42 F
>>>>>>>       Virtual temperature:          48 F
>>>>>>>       Humidity correction factor:   1.8
>>>>>>>       Correction ratio:             1.006
>>>>>>>       Correction constant:          +0.000 inHg
>>>>>>>       Gain:                         0.000
>>>>>>>       Offset:                       -33.000
>>>>>>>     OFFSETS:
>>>>>>>       Wind direction:               +0 deg
>>>>>>>       Inside Temperature:           +0.0 F
>>>>>>>       Inside Humidity:              +0 %
>>>>>>>       Outside Temperature:          +0.0 F
>>>>>>>       Outside Humidity:             +0 %
>>>>>>> On Monday, February 14, 2022 at 3:28:09 PM UTC-8
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Rob,
>>>>>>>> Before this version, weewx only reported on explicit tags. For
>>>>>>>> example, if you didn't put $current.soilTemp1 in the template, you 
>>>>>>>> were not
>>>>>>>> going to see it in the report.
>>>>>>>> Now it basically reports on everything that's in the database.
>>>>>>>> To stop it, look in the skin.conf file for the Seasons skin. Near
>>>>>>>> the top, you will see a stanza labelled [DisplayOptions]. In this 
>>>>>>>> stanza
>>>>>>>> are lists of the various types. Just remove any type for which you do 
>>>>>>>> not
>>>>>>>> want to be included in the report.
>>>>>>>> As for where these values are coming from, I have no idea. Either
>>>>>>>> they are being emitted by your Vantage Vue, or they are being 
>>>>>>>> introduced by
>>>>>>>> one of your extensions. It's also possible you are picking up sensors
>>>>>>>> from a neighbor.
>>>>>>>> In fact, now that I think about it, it would be worth seeing which
>>>>>>>> sensors your Vantage is aware of. Try running
>>>>>>>> *wee_device --info*
>>>>>>>> -tk
>>>>>>>> On Mon, Feb 14, 2022 at 3:15 PM Rob Cranfill <>
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> First, I guess I'm just confused as to why I'm getting all this
>>>>>>>>> good stuff when my previous (<4.6) installation was happy for so 
>>>>>>>>> long.....
>>>>>>>>> I just did a quick 'grep' looking around, and I do see that the
>>>>>>>>> standard Seasons skin *defines* a bunch of these unwanted values. Is 
>>>>>>>>> that
>>>>>>>>> enough to cause them to be reported?
>>>>>>>>> On Monday, February 14, 2022 at 11:27:03 AM UTC-8 vince wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> You have to have something mapped to a lot of leaf and soil
>>>>>>>>>> sensors.   We'd need to see all your skin.conf files and your 
>>>>>>>>>> weewx.conf
>>>>>>>>>> file to know for sure where they're coming from. If you can't find 
>>>>>>>>>> it, I'd
>>>>>>>>>> suggest you use StdQC to just filter out the extraneous things (link
>>>>>>>>>> to User's Guide)
>>>>>>>>>> <>.
>>>>>>>>>> All your bogus temperatures seem to read crazy low numbers.   Set
>>>>>>>>>> the min/max to a range you'll never see and weewx should ignore them 
>>>>>>>>>> even
>>>>>>>>>> if you can't find a way to turn them off.  Perhaps something like the
>>>>>>>>>> following (untested):
>>>>>>>>>> [StdQC]
>>>>>>>>>>    [[MinMax]]
>>>>>>>>>>     leafTemp1 = 200, 201, deg_F
>>>>>>>>>>     leafTemp2 = 200, 201, deg_F
>>>>>>>>>>     soilTemp1 = 200, 201, deg_F
>>>>>>>>>>     soilTemp2 = 200, 201, deg_F
>>>>>>>>>>     soilTemp2 = 200, 201, deg_F
>>>>>>>>>>     soilTemp2 = 200, 201, deg_F
>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
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>>>>>>>> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it,
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>>>>>>>>> .
>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
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>>>>>> --
>>>>>> -tk
>>>>> --
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