On Saturday, March 5, 2022 at 10:33:26 AM UTC-5 f4n...@gmail.com wrote:

> I had an Idea: If I understand the strategies wiki right: can I save to 
> the local sqlite database and to an external mysql database simultaneously? 

weewx is designed to save to only one database

i have no idea whether this would work, but you might try putting two 
instances of StdArchive into the service list.  that *might* let you save 
to two different databases.  create your own archiving service by deriving 
from the StdArchive class, and put it in the weewx user directory.  should 
not be necessary to define any methods.  then refer to it in your weewx 
config file:

archive_services = weewx.engine.StdArchive, user.MyArchive

If so, I could send it to a mysql database on my webhosting and then access 
> it with another weewx installation on another computer and let the heavier 
> skins run there?  So:
> raspberry Pi A [sqlite local reports] --> webserver [mysql] <--> raspberry 
> Pi B (or other computer) [skin reports]
> Could I access the mysql database simultaneously with weewx on system B? 
> Would it run reports automatically without an attached weather station?

this is the 'standard' way to do it.  make weewx save to a mysql database, 
either on the computer doing the collection, or on the computer doing the 
aggregated reports.  then make the reporting instance of weewx pull data 
from the mysql database.

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