On Thursday, November 3, 2022 at 5:06:41 PM UTC-4 tke...@gmail.com wrote:

> The problem is the "location" option. Here's the error showing up on 
> weewx.com:
> 2022.11.03 17:45:34 execute failed: Incorrect string value: 
> '\xCE\x9C\xCE\xB5\xCF\x84...' for column 'description' at row 1 
> reg={description=Μετεωρολογικός Σταθμός Νέων Μουδανιών 
> Χαλκιδικής,last_addr=,last_seen=1667497534,latitude=40.2430,longitude=23.2770,platform_info=Linux-5.10.0-16-amd64-x86_64-with-glibc2.31,python_info=3.9.2,station_model=WΗ1080,station_type=FineOffsetUSB,station_url=
> https://kairos.moudania.com,user_agent=weewx/4.9.1,weewx_info=4.9.1}
> Unfortunately, the registry does not handle utf-8 characters well, which 
> is a known problem. See Issue #7 
> <https://github.com/weewx/website/issues/7>.
> I would fix it myself, but all that stuff is written in Perl by mwall, and 
> I don't have a clue how that language works.

for the record, on 03nov2022, i modified the registry database schema so 
that the 'description' field would use utf8 4-byte encoding instead of 
latin1.  more detail in the issue mentioned above.

no changes to the perl code :)

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