[...long answer follows just so it can be searched for in the future...]

Multiple ways to connect weewx and nginx up under the hood:

   - edit weewx.conf to set the document root to point to nginx's location
   - edit nginx/sites-enabled/default to point the document root to the 
   weewx location
   - or symlink them in one direction or the other so weewx writes to the 
   nginx tree, or so nginx reads from the weewx tree

I tend to use symlinks because then I don't need to change either nginx 
'or' weewx config files.  But there's no wrong way probably.

So since I use a symlink to connect weewx and nginx, for me the url would 
be http://yourhostname/weewx with one caveat....there's currently an error 
in the script that I need to fix.  On line 138 it creates a symlink to link 
the weewx public_html into the nginx server's document root.

# for a user 'vagrant'
sudo ln -s /home/vagrant/weewx-data/public_html /var/www/html/weewx

That's good for vagrant/VirtualBox which typically runs as user 
'vagrant'.....but a pi user typically would run as user 'pi'....
So for a user 'pi' which I'm guessing you are using on a pi, try this:

# for a user 'pi'
sudo ln -s /home/pi/weewx-data/public_html /var/www/html/weewx

[...shorter answer of what to do...]

   - For a user 'pi' run the revised command above and see if "ls 
   /var/www/html/weewx" resolves and shows you all the files weewx created. 
    If so you're likely good.

   - Then try to open http://yourhostname_or_ip/weewx/ and see if the weewx 
   stuff is returned.

Note - you 'might' see permission denied messages in your nginx logs 
initially.  If so that is because the user/group nginx runs as can't read 
files in the pi user home directory.   One brute-force way to fix it would 
be "sudo chmod 755 /home/pi" which lets all accounts read stuff in the 'pi' 
home directory.  That's less than a great production thing to do from a 
security standpoint, but for a quick test locally it's probably ok.

I need to tweak the script a little to be more flexible and more ok 
security-wise, but this should get you going.

On Tuesday, November 21, 2023 at 9:43:05 AM UTC-8 WindnFog wrote:

That works great, Vince.  It seems to be running smoothly on Debian-12. Now 
for the dumb question.  It looks like the web page is under 
/root/weewx-data/public_html/ . . . how does a person view the web page 
using a browser?  I'm just using the Simulator for now on a Pi 4B.

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