Paul - I updated my script to be more flexible for vagrant vs. running on 
top of a native os, if you wanted to give the new one a try.

In the updated script I switched gears a little to have weewx write through 
a symlink into a new /var/www/hmtl/weewx subdirectory which is safer from a 
security standpoint.   The commands it runs to do so are down around line 
160 in the updated script if you wanted to do them manually.  It points 
weewx at a new subdirectory in nginx's document root.

A little cleanup would be needed to run those commands if you've previously 
run the earlier version of my script that symlinks the other way (points 
nginx at weewx $HOME).

A run on a clean system with no $HOME/weewx-data or $HOME/weewx-venv tree 
will work fine (tested on a pi) with the weewx web pages via 
http://yourhost_or_ip/weewx as the URL and the actual data being written to 
/var/www/html/weewx on the filesystem.

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