On Sunday, January 14, 2024 at 7:52:00 PM UTC-5 vince wrote:

Dale - agree with your email.  No epel-release available on f39 it seems.   
This worked for me in vagrant...

yum install python3-cheetah python3-pillow python3-pyusb
rpm -ivh weewx-5.0.0-1.el9.noarch.rpm

apparently f39 is equivalent to rh9? 

rh9 does *not* need epel. also, rh9 uses python 3.9, so the 
import-resources backport is not necessary either.

we'll have to figure out how to clarify the fedora/redhat differences in 
the redhat quickstart page - it probably means making the new 'weewx.repo' 
file even more generic. right now it will only work with redhat, centos, 
rocky, arch - but not fedora, since fedora reports its own releasever.

I couldn't get the signing keys to import either on f39.  Blasted bleeding 
edge versions....

we fixed the keys and re-signed the rpms, so no more SHA1 shenanigans.  for 
the keys, you should be able to use this on any redhat/suse:

sudo rpm --import https://weewx.com/keys.html 

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