
After trying again and again I am still not able to build
qtwengophone-nsis-installer using scons.(Error described in mail below).

Want to try my luck with Cmake. I read on this web page

It uses command:
./build_make.sh release QT_QMAKE_EXECUTABLE=/usr/local/qt4/bin/qmake 

Is this for building? Also how can I build qtwengophone-nsis-installer
on this?

Can anyone please tell me.

Thanks much.

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Jaya
Sent: Wednesday, December 20, 2006 2:12 PM
To: Lukas Oberhuber
Cc: wengophone-devel@lists.openwengo.com
Subject: RE: [Wengophone-devel] SCons on trunk


Thanks for help.
I tried building again using the files you provided.
If I use Visual Studio command prompt - Two commands Tanguy Krotoff
provided Command 1:
scons qtwengophone qtwengophone-translations owcrashreport wenboxplugin
phspeexplugin phamrplugin multiimwrapper=1 phapiwrapper=0 mode=release
Command 2:
scons qtwengophone-nsis-installer
qtwengophone-nsis-installer-without-pdb owcrashreport wenboxplugin
multiimwrapper=1 phapiwrapper=0 mode=release nobuildid=0"

I get error.

Also with Visual Studio build, I get same error
scons: *** unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'NoneType' and 'str'

I looked up google for this error, think in some Python script file "+"
operator is used and it gets 'NoneType' and 'str'.
Since the debugger does not give any details, its very hard to find the
source of error.

Am kind of stuck.


-----Original Message-----
From: Lukas Oberhuber [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, December 20, 2006 12:23 PM
To: Jaya Meghani
Cc: wengophone-devel@lists.openwengo.com
Subject: RE: [Wengophone-devel] SCons on trunk


I don't remember exactly, but I think we removed a bunch of non-core
files such as crash dump.

Here are my nsis files (the non-core files are commented out):

Could you be so good as to create patches and distrib to the list?...my
system doesn't work when creating patches of checked in code...

These are based on Wengophone 2.0 branch.

Hope this helps,

Lukas Oberhuber

-----Original Message-----
From: Jaya Meghani [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 19 December 2006 19:04
To: Lukas Oberhuber
Subject: RE: [Wengophone-devel] SCons on trunk


Where you able to build installer?
When I build it through IDE, I get:

scons: done reading SConscript files.
scons: Building targets ...
scons: building terminated because of errors.
scons: warning: Ignoring missing SConscript
File "libs\util\thread\SConscript", line 22, in ?
scons: warning: Ignoring missing SConscript
File "libs\util\http\SConscript", line 43, in ?
scons: warning: Ignoring missing SConscript
File "libs\util\serialization\SConscript", line 19, in ?
scons: warning: Ignoring missing SConscript
File "libs\util\serializer\SConscript", line 23, in ?
scons: warning: Ignoring missing SConscript
File "libs\util\settings\SConscript", line 26, in ?
scons: warning: Ignoring missing SConscript
File "libs\util\memorydump\SConscript", line 23, in ?
scons: *** unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'NoneType' and 'str'
Project : error PRJ0002 : Error result 1 returned from


Dunno whats the error about:
scons: *** unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'NoneType' and 'str'

Any idea?

Thanks again :),

-----Original Message-----
From: Lukas Oberhuber [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, December 18, 2006 7:05 PM
To: Jaya Meghani
Subject: RE: [Wengophone-devel] SCons on trunk

Nothing really comes to mind. I haven't been able to get pdb files for
the QT dlls, but for everything else it seems to be fine. You should
make sure that the .pdb files are being copied into the release-symbols
folder. The other thing is that sometimes the breakpoints can't be put
where you want them to be (because of optimisation). I've been able to
break in QtContact.cpp so not sure what the problem there is.


Lukas Oberhuber

-----Original Message-----
From: Jaya Meghani [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 18 December 2006 19:51
To: Lukas Oberhuber
Subject: RE: [Wengophone-devel] SCons on trunk


I am basically interested in debugging presentation/qt files.
Whenevr I put a breakpoint say in QtContact.cpp, I get errors like:
Breakpoints will not be currently hit. No symbols loaded for this

I read about it  on google but no luck yet. You got any such problems??

-----Original Message-----
From: Lukas Oberhuber [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, December 18, 2006 2:36 PM
To: Jaya Meghani
Subject: RE: [Wengophone-devel] SCons on trunk



-----Original Message-----
From: Jaya Meghani [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 18 December 2006 19:19
To: Jaya Meghani; Lukas Oberhuber
Subject: RE: [Wengophone-devel] SCons on trunk


I got the problem. Project Properties-> had Web Service Debugger set
somehow. I changed it to Local Windows Debugger.


-----Original Message-----
From: Jaya Meghani
Sent: Monday, December 18, 2006 2:02 PM
To: 'Lukas Oberhuber'
Subject: RE: [Wengophone-devel] SCons on trunk


I could successfully build. Now when I put a breakpoint and say F5. I
get a dialog box:

- Executable filename - I choose qtwengophone.exe here -URL where the
project can be accessed (ATL server Only):"

What should I specify in "URL where the project can be accessed (ATL
server Only):"
If I specify path of VCCWengo.vcproj, it says Cannot start debugging.

Thanks again for your help.


-----Original Message-----
From: Lukas Oberhuber [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, December 18, 2006 1:37 PM
To: Jaya Meghani
Subject: RE: [Wengophone-devel] SCons on trunk

No problem.


Lukas Oberhuber

-----Original Message-----
From: Jaya Meghani [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 18 December 2006 15:06
To: Lukas Oberhuber
Subject: RE: [Wengophone-devel] SCons on trunk

Thanks so much. I am building the project right now using IDE.


-----Original Message-----
From: Lukas Oberhuber [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, December 17, 2006 2:07 PM
To: Jaya Meghani
Subject: RE: [Wengophone-devel] SCons on trunk

Win32 Include files
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Platform SDK for Windows Server 2003
R2\Include C:\Program Files\Microsoft DirectX SDK\Include

Win32 Library files
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Platform SDK for Windows Server 2003 R2\Lib

I've set some debugging in the project under the debugging properties:
ph_debug_level and another. Unset (i.e. delete) those if you don't want
to debug the phapi classes.

Good luck,


Lukas Oberhuber

-----Original Message-----
From: Jaya Meghani [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 17 December 2006 02:50
To: Lukas Oberhuber; [EMAIL PROTECTED];
Subject: RE: [Wengophone-devel] SCons on trunk


Thanks so much. It would be really helpful if you could send me project
files and directories.


-----Original Message-----
From: Lukas Oberhuber [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, December 16, 2006 6:29 AM
To: Jaya Meghani; [EMAIL PROTECTED]; wengophone-devel@lists.openwengo.com
Subject: RE: [Wengophone-devel] SCons on trunk


Debugging in the IDE works fine with vs2005. It's a matter of putting
the command line prompts into the configuration builder. The biggest
pain is that scons thinks it has to rebuild every time, so when you
invoke the debugger you have to tell it not to compile if everything is
up to date.

Places you will need changes:
Tools->(something related to options)->(projects and 
in the directories. Make sure these point to all the sdks (platform,
direct x, etc).
The the actual project will need to point to the right place. It's a
little tricky getting the path variables right, and I'm still not 100%
sure which it uses. If you like, I will send you my project files as a
starting point, though of course all the directories will need to be
adjusted (files are too big for this mailing list).


Lukas Oberhuber

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Jaya
Sent: 15 December 2006 18:10
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; wengophone-devel@lists.openwengo.com
Subject: RE: [Wengophone-devel] SCons on trunk

Yes I did through that link but its with command prompt. What I meant
was to have a project/workspace for whole Wengo code and be able to
actually debug using IDE.

Regards, J
-----Original Message-----
From: mstute [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, December 15, 2006 11:35 AM
To: wengophone-devel@lists.openwengo.com
Cc: Jaya Meghani
Subject: Re: [Wengophone-devel] SCons on trunk

> I have one question regarding build system for Wengo. Do we/Can we 
> build it using Miscrosft Visual Studio Express Edition.

Yes you can:

Mathieu Stute <mstute(at)gmail.com>
GPG: http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?op=vindex&search=0x3EE62B4D
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