On Tue, Feb 26, 2008 at 03:55:06PM +0100, Vadim Lebedev wrote:
> >
> >Hmm, I didn't have any conflicts on update, did you already commit that
> >chat-code (seems it wasn't fully implemented as indicated in my last
> >patch where I had to remove that config-option). I'm happy to test your
> >changes...
> >
> >Ralf
> >
> >  
> I've committed 10 mins ago...
> I had not chance to test with ekiga but  we have similar problem with 
> another platform and we fixed it by adding
> sip.chat.without.presence advanced config option
> ....
> At some moment in the history of dev wengophone  IM ceased to function 
> without PRESENCE functioning.
> IMO This was already present in SVN version....

See my previous msg: The new code (your commit 10 mins ago) throws an
exception when the config-option doesn't exit in config.xml. When adding
manually and setting the option to 1, chat is still greyed out. And I
can't seem to find in the code where chat would be enabled...

Dr. Ralf Schlatterbeck                  Tel:   +43/2243/26465-16
Open Source Consulting                  Fax:   +43/2243/26465-23
Reichergasse 131                        www:   http://www.runtux.com
A-3411 Weidling                         email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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