On Wed, Feb 27, 2008 at 02:22:46PM +0100, Vadim Lebedev wrote:
> Ralf,
> I've integrated your patch and the code to actually USE 
> getSipChatWithoutPresence....
> in model/contactlitst/ContactProfile.cpp

First of all: Tests with presence of two clients @ my location
(desktop/laptop) and with Darsha were successful. We can see each other
and it seems to work most of the time. I can even see my laptop-client from teh
desktop and vice-versa if I do a log-on/log-off cycle.  Observed problems:

- when I start both of my clients, only the later-started client sees
  the other's presence.
- I can clear this by doing a log-off/log-on cycle, restarting a client
  does *not* help, if I terminate the "blind" client and restart is, the
  other client becomes "blind" (sees only a grey icon)
  Both of these should be fixable by retrying the presence request from time
  to time, isn't this done now? Or was I too impatient?
- I'm occasionally getting crashdumps when the peer logs off/on or
  similar, "where" from gdb shows:
  #3  0x085eec81 in crash_catcher (sig=11)
  #4  0xffffe420 in ?? ()
  #5  0x0000000b in ?? ()
  #6  0xb77000c4 in owsip_account_get_from_received_message (message=0xb24028e0)
      at /home/ralf/checkout/wengophone-2.2/wifo/eXosip/src/owsip_account.c:860
  #7  0xb76fe1e0 in eXosip_recv (socket=10)
      at /home/ralf/checkout/wengophone-2.2/wifo/eXosip/src/udp.c:2519
  #8  0xb7725222 in transport_on_data_socket_event (socket=10, 
      event=OWSL_EVENT_READ, user_data=0x0)
  if you need further info I can provide it, I still have the core
- Client also crashes on exit, I had set coredumpsize to zero, will send
  traceback when it re-occurs.

The pop-ups of the phone asking for presence-confirmation become annoying
pretty quickly, so I guess the default should be to allow all contacts and
disallow all others with an option to turn on the confirmation for
non-contacts... but once confirmed the phone should remember the setting for
the session.

I can confirm that sip.chat.without.presence works now.

Dr. Ralf Schlatterbeck                  Tel:   +43/2243/26465-16
Open Source Consulting                  Fax:   +43/2243/26465-23
Reichergasse 131                        www:   http://www.runtux.com
A-3411 Weidling                         email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
osAlliance member                       email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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