On May 28, 2005, at 9:26 AM, David White wrote:

Richard Kettering wrote:

However, I'd like to have something that I'd be proud to show off in the years down the road, rather than something people sneer at, as they do now. Thus I am happy to continue forging as much as I can over the coming months - I have a lot of free time in the next few months.

I'm afraid I really don't understand.

How are any of the changes that have been suggested over the next few months going to change the game so much that people who currently sneer at it are instead impressed?

Walking animations and a scriptable sprite engine would do it.
Guess who wants to do the work on those:   me.

Usually people who sneer at a game like Wesnoth do so immediately upon seeing it because they think it has poor and/or archaic graphics and perhaps sound. Polishing things off, adding a few more animations and units, and so forth isn't going to change this as far as I can see.

You're right - polishing it off won't do much. I'm talking about the addition of some major, groundbreaking features, features I wish we had had in the game long ago. I know precisely what it is that makes us inferior to most other sprite-based games, and it is how incredibly static our game looks.
This can be dealt with in a number of ways.

You're also dead right that our sound is horrible - another department I wouldn't mind taking a swing at, as this would not be the only FLOSS game that would benefit from such efforts.


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