In response to Dave's email asking for a person to lead the balancing discussion, Bartek Waresiak (Dragonking) and I have discussed among ourselves and we would like to be granted opportunity to undertake this role. We are both avid multiplayer members; Between the two of us we have over 2000 games of experience of either playing or watching matches, and have been active within the greater wesnoth community on balancing issues. Although Dave did ask for a single person to do this, Bartek and I would like to work together on this because we complement each other's abilities well, and that together we can put forward a balanced unit list for the launch of the v 1.0.

This is primarily how we would like go to about it. We will conduct extensive playtesting and canvas as many opinions as we can. In particular we want a very good dialogue with all parties involved. We in multiplayer didn't like when changes were presented to us without any sort of discussion, so we will not do the same to other parties. In particular we think a good dialogue with the single player community is necessary to put out the best version of wesnoth holistically. Although the basis of the balancing will be multiplayer, we believe that if we can explain the logic behind these changes, campaign designers will know what they are working with and can design their campaign around the new balance. We will try to aid in this process as well.

However the same time we do believe that firm action is needed to push through a stable and balanced version of the units to make a balanced version of wesnoth. We think there has never really been a question about balancing, as there has always been a consensus among the core players of the multiplayer community as to the general issues that need to be dealt with. What we want to do is to finally push through these changes that have been discussed for such a long time. We have included here a provisional list of the major issues we would like to address.

Saurian Skirmisher (completely overpowered for its  cost)
Ulfzerker (do I need to start on this?)
Ranger (too powerful melee attack)
guardsman (unbalanced due to steadfast)
Troll  (too low xp)
Zombie (5 gold is too little compared to the goblin)
Fencer (too high cost)
Thief (12 gold unit that can do 12-3 at night and has elusive foot?)
Skeleton archer (costs too much compared to its contemporaries)
Gryphon (too high at 25)
Deathblade (it should not be a leader option, also has other issues that need examination)
Masterbowman (low hp)
Pikeman (9-3 first strike compared to 8-4 for the swordsman, or Javlineer at 8-3 and 11-2 ranged)
Mermen/Naga issues (this needs a lot of work)

We have some ideas in mind on how to solve these problems, but we'd like to discuss and test them out extensively before we do commit anything into stone. We would also like to use the development forum as a place where we will list the major changes that we intend, so that they are clearly stated. If serious opposition is to be had, we will discuss it and take it into consideration.We will also try to maintain a constant flow of information to the developers via the email list. By adhering to this method we believe we can put out a balanced version of wesnoth in the time allotted.

We hope that you will look on our proposal favorably.

Richard and Bartek.

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