Okay, these are my thoughts on how to get to 1.0. If developers broadly agree with following my plan, I *may* decide to lead it.

Firstly, what should version 1.0 be? 1.0 should be the first version which we can happily show to everyone: even end users who have no interest in game development. It should be a stable version that the team is committed to maintaining and supporting.

It doesn't have to be perfect. It just has to be good enough so that someone can play it, and have fun, without noticing badly incomplete features or awful bugs. It certainly doesn't have to have every feature imaginable, and it's not realistic that it will be completely bug-free.

Now there is a danger, and I think this danger is large, that Wesnoth will never reach 1.0. The reason for this is that as a community and development team we have shown ourselves to continue to want to add features. The more features we add, the more features we think of to add. The game has been in a state where it needs "only feature x, y, and z and then it's feature-complete for 1.0" since perhaps version 0.3. I remember when it was "feature complete; all it needs is multiplayer". Now that's not to say the features we've added have no value: on the contrary the game has improved immensely since 0.3, imo. However, the more features we add, the harder it is going to be to stabilize.

I think that currently the single player version of the game is easily feature-complete enough for 1.0. The main things which could be improved are more animations/graphical effects as Jetryl supports, and campaign server improvements, as turin suggests.

However I don't think either of these things are necessary for 1.0. They could be added after 1.0 though.

More animations creates more work for artists to do in animating things. Considering the lackluster response since I implemented animated deaths, I am not optimistic that we could complete extra sets of animation in a short period of time.

With respect to the campaign server, firstly it has been improved lately in that you can sort campaigns through the new menu system. Secondly, I'd like to point out that the campaign server is a luxury. It's a feature that few people were even particularly interested in when I suggested it. Now that it's implemented, I think it'd be 'nice' to have improvements, but hardly 'absolutely necessary'. I don't see any point in delaying 1.0 until people find time to improve it.

The one thing that I do think has to be done is to fix the problem where downloading campaigns can cause the entire game to fail to load. We may use a very KISS solution to this though. (Such as if the game fails to load the first time, try loading again, refusing to load from the user data area).

In terms of multiplayer, I still think Wesnoth is not nearly as good as it is in multiplayer. The interface is a little mediocre, and options which I think are important such as time limits on turns aren't available. However, Wesnoth could be considered a complete game with only single player. Multiplayer is also a luxury in many ways, and it's not *that* bad. I think we can ship 1.0 without any multiplayer improvements.

So, that's what I think should happen to the engine for 1.0: a complete feature freeze. Bug-fixes only. If people really want to add new features, then we can consider branching the engine and the people who want to add new features can work on that.

In terms of content such as graphics, music, and sounds, I am more flexible. They don't have the capacity to de-stabilize the game. I think that for instance, if freim finishes his new terrain in time, we can include that. New music and sounds would also be highly desirable. Completing all animations is something we would definitely want.

Now, in terms of adding new units, these are my thoughts:

- no new factions in multiplayer.
- adding level 3 units to existing factions, such as the Drakes is fine, since I don't think it changes the balance that much. - tweaking units is fine, mainly if the multiplayer community thinks it's necessary
- no new level 1 units that are put in multiplayer
- new level 1 units, e.g. the high elves, could be added but they would only be used if a campaign developer wanted to use them. They wouldn't be in multiplayer in 1.0.

My method of balancing units is usually not to have an 'open forum, all in' approach. I think this is counter-productive. I prefer to ask the opinion of a few people who I perceive to be knowledgable in the area, and then make a decision based on that. I would REALLY love it if there was a developer who people trusted to make balancing decisions.

In the example of changing Kalenz's attack to cold, this had been discussed quite a few times, and I said I was in favor of it. I still think it's a good idea, and I don't think the affect on HttT will be that bad.

Some things which I think we really need for 1.0, which can be done 'safely' in that they will not de-stabilize the game:

- better documentation in the help system
- better sound effects
- Heir to the Throne should be made much easier on 'easy'.
- complete animations
- completed translations

I think that Wesnoth 1.0 could be produced in 3 months. Here is the schedule I would propose:

Weeks 1-6:

- work on bug fixes, including cosmetic cleanup and making the game acceptably fast in all areas
- continue to work on translations
- work on documentation
- add animations, new units, sound effects, etc.
- finalize list of campaigns for 1.0


Weeks 7-9:

- work on bug fixes, including cosmetic cleanup
- start working on finalizing translations
- no more new units
- animations, sound effects, can still be added


Weeks 10-12:

- work on testing and fixing any remaining critical bugs
- finalize translations
- animations, sound effects may still be added.

-- RELEASE 1.0 --

Of course, this is a rough outline of what I think is possible, not a 'strict schedule'.

Remember that 1.0 can be seen in some ways as a starting point, not an ending point. After 1.0 is released we can more confidently add dramatic new features.


Nils Kneuper wrote:

Hi everyone!
In my last mail I wrote some stuff that seems rather important to me,
so I do not want to have it lost in a "dead-thread". Some of the
points also justify a thread for their own. This one will be quite
long, so sorry for this.
I Think we should really head for 1.0. The game looks very complete to
me, though there are some points I want to menition in this mail, that
could need some work:

Some of the campaigns do not fit into mainline at the moment.
Either we should work on them, or we should kick them out. I am
speaking of SotBE and TdH. These are incomplete and do not really fit
to the rest.
We should also consider getting them completely out of the game and
maybe getting one or two good and complete user campaigns into it
Also it would be nice if at least one campaign was designed for
beginners that do not have much experience in playing TBS games. They
maybe only played the tutorial and find httt very hard afterwards. At
least one campaign should be winnable by an unexpierienced user even
on medium.

Is it really needed to get in more units? The units in 0.9.1 were
looking quite complete. Should we really add more units to the game?
There are already very many units. This makes it hard for beginners
and even harder to balance.
We should leave the units (and their attacks) like they were. We
should only change it, when balancing (next point) needs it.
I really like the idea of having more drakes personally, but I do not
think it is good for the game. This will make our progress into the
direction of 1.0 by far harder. I do think they should stay like they
are now.
I also do strongly speak against adding the high elves. This will
destroy several stuff again. Changing Kalenz to have a "cold" attack,
makes httt somehow imba, because you have to fight undead in some
missions in which Kalenz already joind you. And cold is really not
good against undead. Maybe httt has completele be revised now. Because
of this I speak for reverting the changes to Kalenz.
The high-elves may be added as "unofficial-unit-pack". I do not think
we do really need them for mainline, though they are a nice idea after
all. But not for mainline ATM.

This one is the hardest points. All the unit additions and changes of
the last days, like changing the saurian, are not best for the game I
think. The drakes were playable because of this unit that easyly died
if you are not carefull enough. Witout a magic attack, they will only
be like the rest. The drakes will be weak and not really usable at
I think we should have the units features like in 0.9.1. Some changes
for balancing are needed, yes. But I think multiplayermode in 0.9.1
was not too bad. Some tweaking to resistances and defnces or costs,
yes. But NO big changes like complete new skills to some units (cf
Tribalist and Sky Drake).
For these balancing issues we should listen to the experienced
MP-Players a lot more. If we get MP really balanced, single player
will be rather balanced, too. The last balancing on singleplayer can
be done by (very little) adjustments at the design of some maps. We
got some good players, who know the best tactics, that are even willing
to help us, why not listen to them?

Are there more extra features for 1.0 needed? The game looks somehow
feature complete to me. There may be stuff that could be adjusted and
improved (modularisation) but these things could also break a lot. I
do speak in favour of letting the game like it is now, concentrate
(mainly) on fixing bugs and get it really stable so that 1.0 can be
realsed. If you know any knew features that really do need to make it
in, feel free to mail.

That one is the point that concerns me most personally. We do have to
make a decission when we should add a translation to 1.0. Should there
only be complete translations, or also the ones just started? I would
like it, if we included the complete ones, and make it optional to
install others when they are completed. It could work with a check for
the existance of the dir of the corresponding language.
I do not think it would be good to have a translation in the game
where only 10% are translated. What do you think of this?

I do really think we do need someone that leads the game to 1.0 it has
to be done with a rather hard hand. The person doing it should be
familiar with the complete game and the code. So I am not able to do
this (puhhhh). I would really like it if Dave could continue until 1.0
is out and hand it over afterwards?
I think we could really complete Wesnoth to be in the state of
releasing 1.0 very soon. It should be possible to do this in the term
of this year. Sometime between autumn and christmas it could be done,
so please Dave, stay this long and lead us.

So these are the main points I wanted to write about. As I already
said, it was quite much, but I think it had to be written. Please
comment on this and help to release 1.0 soon.
Nils Kneuper aka Ivanovic

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