Hej allesammans,
2005-02-13 kl. 01.24 skrev James Barton:

First up, hello everyone. I've just been added to the developer mailing list, but as most of the discussion so far has been on technical matters, I haven't spoken up yet.

Welcome to the list, it is nice to have you here. And when it comes to technical matters, I have set a shining example of meddling with things I do not know. *wink*

Personally, I would prefer a game where all units have three levels - it feels more "natural" to me that way. However, there are sound objections to this philosophy, and they don't need to be debated further. What I would like to do is make sure that every unit which SHOULD have three levels DOES have three levels.

Well, as you said, it has been debated to death. Let me just reiterate that I most strongly feel that it gives a more varied game with better game play if not all units end at the same level. *smile*

For the various units you listed, IMO they do not need a third level. IMO while being a side-line to a more powerful level 2 unit is indeed a sufficient reason not to have a 3d level, it is not by default so that all lines that are not such should go to level 3.

Also, it is not necessarily so that everything _needs_ to be mainline. I am perfectly fine with user campaigns havig level 3 of certain units, where mainline does not. The user campaigns are a treasure trove, and a great part of what makes Wesnoth a fun game. I think we need to emphasize more towards the community as a whole that something being implemented in a user campaign, and not in main line, does in no way is an indication of inferiority. The inclusion of a screenshot from a user campaign on the front web page is a good start.

The following are the most interesting cases, as far as I'm concerned, as many of them are worthy of a third level. As such, I'll go annotate them individually.

Dwarvish Beserker (Neorice has created some good graphics for a third level beserker. I think we should include it)
This branch could possibly warrant a third level, but I fear it would be too powerful. Furthermore, do the reckless berserkers really _learn_ much while fighting? Their skill does not to me seem as something that would improve, since it is not skill, but recklessness. It would be more logical with them levelling up into a unit without berserker frenzy, but that would break another principle of Wesnoth.

Goblin Pillager (Should this be a "branch" line? I'd rather like to see a Goblin Firestarter or similar)
Maybe. Not necessary, but probably not harmful either.

Duelist (Francisco drew concept art for a Swordmaster, and I think the Duelist definitely deserves
I think a third level here would be a useful addition to the game.

Gryphon Master (I have some graphics ideas on this score)
Not sure, possibly.

Saurian Icecaster/Soothsayer (Didn't Antwerp create three levels for these guys? I'd like to see them in use)
Not really too thrilled with level 3 Saurians in general. In my conceptions they are relatively weak (yes I know recent additions have already broken this...) and ally themselves with the Drakes because of that.

Ogre (A third level "Battle Ogre", anyone? ;-)
Well, I am not so fond of the young ogre either. *smile* The Ogre is to me a 'monster' and does not need to level.

Orcish Crossbowman (The "Slurbow" has both graphics and support)
Orcish Slayer (See my recent thread in Developer's Discussions)
There are some races that quite simply cannot achieve a level 3 in certain disciplines, and giving them a weaker level 3 than other factions/races is not sufficient. This, IMO, holds for orc/goblins and archery. I do not think they should have third levels.

Necrophage (Whatever happened to the Gorger?)
The necrophage, which levels into itself is a unique and special unit. Replacing this healing by levelling with a third level would not be an improvement IMO.


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