On Feb 13, 2005, at 5:56 AM, Hogne Håskjold wrote:
For me this boils down to a simple question:

Is it more fun to halfway into a campaign reach the level limit of my
units, or is it more fun to be able to have my units progress through
the entire campaign?

For me it is obviously the latter.

Though I do not agree that adding more levels is the solution, I do heartily agree with this statement. One of the things this, and other proposals for max-level-advancement make for, is a player generating his own 'characters' in a campaign. It helps to accentuate the role-playing aspect of wesnoth by making, at significant expense, single units more powerful, and capable of odd things others are not - effectively, they become special heros unique to your playthrough of the campaign. It makes for a much more personal attachment with a unit.

Don't underestimate the power of such attachment - piles of those dang tamagochi/"digital pet"-things were sold on nothing other than this "feeling". :smile:

This would not make sense for a short campaign, but for a long one like HttT, it does work, and gives the player a personal attachment to the game. It also improves replay value, by allowing a different strategy than the usual "orthodox" one. A mix could also be seen, with many level-1 troops being supported by a few very powerful high-level troops.

A good deal of this "units reaching the level limit" problem could be solved by clever campaign design. An idea I had for my planned campaign was different sets of units that would get switched out - the player would essentially switch between several concurrent storylines, which would intertwine at times. I do not know if it is possible for a player to control multiple sides at the same time in a campaign - heck, I don't know if any of what I just suggested is currently possible.

But I thought I would mention the idea.

Heck, not to mention this, but I think it would also be neat to allow campaigns to branch in storyline based on the composition of a player's army. You know, say, if the player has a rather large group of mages, perhaps they can decipher some cryptic thing he comes across, or cast a powerful spell. Or perhaps the wild clansmen of the plains will find a natural feeling of affinity with your large group of horsemen. Et cetera.

This, if we had max-level-advancement, could be taken to the point of actually making _speaking characters_ out of the few "super-troops" a player has. Perhaps if he has special ones, they can change the path of the campaign somewhat? This would add a *great* deal of replay value to campaigns.

This is just musing, please don't take this as a forcible jab asking for a feature. I am simply noting some interesting directions it could be taken in.

On Feb 13, 2005, at 8:38 AM, Ben Anderman wrote:
Adding third level Drakes could prove difficult without Neorice, as he has a very distinctive graphical style.

I think it's pretty likely that if requested, Neorice would probably make more drakes (graphics at least.) I can't be sure of course, but I think that's something that he would do.

I'm fairly confident, now, that I could emulate his style with acceptable accuracy. However, this is at the absolute bottom of my priority list, because there is this other fellow who can draw drakes pretty darned well - Neorice. I think my time is better spent doing other units.

I would be willing to animate any new drakes he made - though I don't think I can make them as well as he can, I think I am a better animator than he is, at least for wesnoth units. With a number of the drakes, he seemed to cut corners just to get them done. It is a whole heck of a lot harder to move the whole body of the drake to animate most of its moves, but it looks a lot better.

What I would like to see for the drakes:
The clasher line would have a large weapon that could be used for both piercing attacks, and blade attacks. The split to the "gladiator" line would trade it in for a large hammer. Both would reach level-3.

As for the flyer line, I would like to see it get a third level, and have marksmanship on all of its (very weak) fire attacks. Right now it is rather useless in combat, being vulnerable to a common attack (pierce), and unlike the elven scout, who also has problems, the drake cannot hide himself in terrain. This would also make him good for striking at mermen in the sea, or elves in the forest, two groups that the drakes currently have problems with.

As for the fighter line, I am not terribly sure. New graphics would be in order, though. If anything, no branch to the unit would be a commendable move.

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