Susanna Björverud wrote:

Also, it is not necessarily so that everything _needs_ to be mainline. I am perfectly fine with user campaigns havig level 3 of certain units, where mainline does not. The user campaigns are a treasure trove, and a great part of what makes Wesnoth a fun game. I think we need to emphasize more towards the community as a whole that something being implemented in a user campaign, and not in main line, does in no way is an indication of inferiority. The inclusion of a screenshot from a user campaign on the front web page is a good start.

I concur with this: user campaigns are often of high quality, and quartex, Shade, and aelius in particular have done some great user campaigns. They are really seperate projects in their own right that show a great deal of creativity.

Perhaps to elevate their status we should add a sub-page to the Wesnoth site for 'user-made campaigns and modifications', and try to develop a facility for campaign developers to each have a page describing their campaign?


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