I think that Lv.3 Drakes would make sense in game. When playing MP
with Drakes you hit the Level-Limit quite fast. For Lv2 units they are
quite strong, but I would prefer the oportunity of having Lv3 Drakes.
When I think of this fraction, I do think of a strong fraction that
could fight very good and can become extrymly powerful. I think it
would make sense to let the Drakes have a Lv3 but the Saurians not.
Though Lv3 should be very hard to reach for Drakes. It should be at
least the same difficulty like for Mages. If you command an army of
Drakes you always only have a little Army because drakes are wuite
expensive. But it should be possible to have at least very strong single units.
On the other hand I do not think that Saurians deserve a 3rd level.
They are somehow the weaker kind and should stay Lv2.

Nils Kneuper aka Ivanovic

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