Thank you for bringing this issue up.

I would like to say that most of these units are units that no explicit decision has been made about. That is to say, we have explicitly said that some units will be 'capped' at level 2 intentionally as a design decision. However, there are only relatively few units that this decision has been made about. Most of the other units don't have a level 3 because of resource issues more than explicit design decisions. That's not to say that they should have a level 3, it's to say that it's something we have to decide.

Drake Gladiator
Drake Slasher
Drake Warrior
Sky Drake

I think these units probably should. Drakes should be able to grow rather powerful.

Troll Rocklobber

These units have been deliberately added to a tree as a "trade-off" branch - more utility in the short term at the cost of long term power.

Right. These units should not have a level 3. That's already been decided.


Outlaw units (with the exception of the Thief->Rogue->Assassin line) supposedly do not have three levels to reflect their "not proper soldier" status. However, several user campaigns include third level Outlaws, and I believe that the third-level Outlaws are widely enjoyed.

I'm personally not really in favor of third level outlaws, but don't have a strong opinion on the matter.

Dwarvish Beserker (Neorice has created some good graphics for a third level beserker. I think we should include it)

I concur: if you can get a beserker to survive this long, you deserve to get a good unit.

Goblin Pillager (Should this be a "branch" line? I'd rather like to see a Goblin Firestarter or similar)

I think a decision was made to make this a 'trade off' unit.

Duelist (Francisco drew concept art for a Swordmaster, and I think the Duelist definitely deserves

I think this unit should have a third level.

Gryphon Master (I have some graphics ideas on this score)

This unit as well...

Saurian Icecaster/Soothsayer (Didn't Antwerp create three levels for these guys? I'd like to see them in use)

Yes, I think this would be good...

Ogre (A third level "Battle Ogre", anyone? ;-)

I agree; I don't have any problem with a third level ogre -- after all, these are powerful creatures. Personally, I also don't have a problem with just calling it a 'Giant'.

Orcish Crossbowman (The "Slurbow" has both graphics and support)

I don't think this unit should get a third level: I don't think orcish archers are that powerful or respected enough among the orcs to warrant it.

Orcish Slayer (See my recent thread in Developer's Discussions)

I concur with this.

Necrophage (Whatever happened to the Gorger?)

I have no opinion.


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