Nils Kneuper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Now that Northern Rebirth was included in mainline, which other 
> campaigns should we consider for addition? Here a short list of 
> campaigns that come to my mind:
> * Sceptre of Fire: It has a different "history" but it also does feature 
> dwarves, we don't have a real dwarves campaign yet and I think it works 
> rather nicely. The problem with the different history might be solved 
> via adding something in the beginning stating that this is how the 
> legend is told among the dwarves and that humans do see it a little 
> different...

I'm against this for continuity reasons.  I think having a consistent
overall history of the world is a good thing, and that consistency
should be preserved.

> * Saving Elensefar: Never played it myself but I heard it would be 
> rather nice. Though I assume that difficulty level is (like in all of 
> Turins campaigns) rather high...

Haven't played it.  Turin does good work, so this one would be high on
my list of candidates to look at.  In fact I would be a little surprised
if it turned out not to be mainline-worthy.

> * Son of the Black Eye: Taurus did take over maintaining SotBE, he now 
> is maintaining a mainline campaign and playing the orcs can be really 
> different than the normal humans/elves stuff. The main questions: Is it 
> already complete and does not stop aprupt? Does it work nicely?

I haven't yet played this.  I think it's an excellent candidate, though, 
because Taurus does good work and I'm certain he'll be available to tune it
up for mainline.

> * Delfadors Memories: rather nice campaign but incomplete. Any chance to 
> get it "continued"?

Agreed -- I'd love to see this finished and mainlined.

> Which ones did I miss in my (very short) list that should/could be 
> added? Feel free to post campaigns you would like to see in.

I like Legend of Wesmere.  That would be my next choice.

As far as minor UMC goes, I like the concept of "Town vs. Gown".
                <a href="";>Eric S. Raymond</a>

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