> The a broader continuity is more valuable than
> an unchanging HttT.

While I agree with this, a minor note of caution: we probably don't want 
to casually make *major* continuity changes to campaigns, either. especially
not one as central as HttT.  That too would disrupt the player's sense of a
stable overarching history.  

The Great Retconning will work because the changes to HttT don't
affect its thematic core.  Turin persuaded me by doing an excellent
job of describing and justifying minimal, sensible changes to HttT and
the mainline history; I hope anybody who wants to retcon it in the
future will be held to a similarly high standard.

I'd also like to suggest that one of the criteria we use in deciding
which campaigns to take mainline should be what they do for the 
emergent history of the Wesnoth world.  I think a campaign such as LoW, 
which shares a character with other mainline campaigns and ties into
the well-developed part of the history, gains additional value by so
                <a href="http://www.catb.org/~esr/";>Eric S. Raymond</a>

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