You're just repeating the same list of arguments we already discussed, and
so far have provided no explanation for what I documented as: everyone in the
mainstream world not following RACV's theories.

I have explained it, and I think it's pretty clear.  Unless you have something
new to say, I'm done with this discussion.

On Mon, Oct 06, 2008 at 07:35:10PM +0000, Mario Rodrÿffffedguez wrote:
> Answering briefly all the things...
> 1. I think the name "Valencian (RACV)" is a descriptive name in order to 
> transmit to the players the most information about my translation... I'm OK. 
> In Firefox you can see in Valencian (following the RACV) the dictionary 
> ( and language pack 
> (, all of this inside the 
> list of languages:
> 2. I'll put Galician/Portuguese with Catalan/Valencian because they have a 
> similar situation (as you can see). Valencian is an official language name 
> (following ISO and Statute of Valencian Comunity) and put after that "(RACV)" 
> could be more descriptive to the players who want to use it. The law now say 
> that Valencian is another standard of the language "Catalan-Valencian" and 
> its academy is AVL, but in the past local government follow RACV which thinks 
> Valencian is a sister-language of the Catalan
> 3. ISO don't put the name of a dialect to the name of a language, only put a 
> valid name of a language (if legally have two standards)
> es = Castilian or Spanish (Castilian became official in all Spain and after 
> in their colonies which were Spain) but isn't official call it "Andalusian", 
> "Argentinian" and the name of other dialects (this names aren't recognized as 
> valid language name)
> en = English, but "North-American" isn't a valid name
> And dialects haven't its own academies!!
> 4. RACV is subsidized by local government as you can see in this web: 
> (In the down part of the 
> web you can see "Colabora" (Colaborate) and down to this title "Generalitat 
> Valenciana" (local valencian government)... It shows the freedom of 
> expression.
> 5. RACV is an associated academy of Institute of Spain: 
> (Sorry it's in Spanish) you can see the RACV in 
> "Academias asociadas" (Associated academies) and then in "Relacion de 
> academias" (Relation of Academies), because the RACV is the first valencian 
> academy of the language, with the title Royal, as the Royal Academy of 
> Galician.
> Valencian is the official name of my translation (follow ISO and laws) and if 
> you want, put the name of the academy I follow "(RACV)"... I follow this 
> academy because its rules are more similar to the spoken Valencian and very 
> similar to the classic Valencian... I don't try to convince you about my 
> ideas but I want that the name of my translation reflects the content of my 
> translation... Who doesn't like my translation, he can use the Catalan 
> translation... but I want to break with this hatreds of other ideology 
> against my ideology (as you can see, I let to pro-Catalans but they don't let 
> me), I only want to express in the language that I think but I let the rest 
> of people think and use the translation which they want without trying to 
> spoil their translations or their name of translation.
> I hope the reason win and I can get an appropiate name. Have a good week
> Coordinator of Valencian ¿(RACV)? translation
> Mario (Mavorte) 
> PS: is a political web (raco catala = Catalan corner), and 
> ".cat" means they want to separate from ".es" (Spain)... You can think what 
> you want but you should let to other people have another ideas... Legally 
> Valencian is a valid name of the standard of "Catalan-Valencian" language and 
> don't follow IEC (Institute of Catalan Studies), follow AVL and before 
> Valencian follows RACV (which think it's a sister-language of Catalan)
Robert Millan

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