Saturday 11 October 2008(e)an, Mario Rodrÿffffedguez(e)k idatzi zuen:
> I hope the mantainers resolve this confusion about the credits of my
> translation and so you won't need patches. He doesn't collaborate in
> Valencian (RACV) translation 
> I respect your ideas but I don't think like you, you can understand this?
> RACV began in 1915 and the RACV rules are based in classic Valencian. But
> the important fact is the RACV rules exists and I want to translate into
> Valencian (RACV)... if you don't like my translation don't use it... do you
> know what means "freedom"? I have a non-official (nowadays, in the past it
> was) translation, though nowadays local government still pay RACV and its
> valencian ortografic corrector (AVL too), can you understand what is
> "freedom of expression"? Local government and I want to let the users the
> possibility to use a Valencian (RACV) translation if they want, is it
> anything bad? 
> Are you against my freedom of ideas and expression? I think yes. You are
> always trying to spoil my translation again and again, and you are changing
> the issue of this conversation again and again. I only want a non-confusing
> name to avoid this situation and you are not helping. 

Please stop these ad hominem attacks. Robert has repeteadly made pretty clear 
that nobody is against your translation, just against calling it what it is 
_not_. Period. Why do you try to put words in his mouth? Facts are pretty 

1) Everybody is happy with your translation, and with your right to have one.
2) There's people that considers it should not be called valencian, because it 
is _not_.

Nobody (but you) is arguing or wants to argue wether valencian is a dialect of 
catalan, another language or just another name for the same language, because 
this is not the place to do so. Write a paper about it and get it published, 
or provide _facts_ (spanish king doesn't count as valencian philologist). 
Robert gave references to _facts_ and you gave none. Please stop this non-

Alfredo Beaumont Sainz

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