On Wed, Mar 10, 2010 at 05:41:37PM +0100, jeremy rosen wrote:
> > This is an interesting alternative. But after reading Boucman's comments I
> > guess it's not the right direction either, since there would be a drive to
> > replace it with C++ or lua sooner or later.
> > Maybe a better idea would be to make an Android app that allows connecting
> > to the Wesnoth server but only for watching games (and chatting when doing
> > so). The good thing about such an app is that it could actually become
> > massively popular, because of its cool graphical nature and general appeal.
> > Which means it would get more people motivated to finish the port so they
> > can play instead of just watching. An AI bot on the other hand is mainly
> > interesting for AI programmers.
> at that point you would have rewritten wesnoth in java with no common
> code, getting the two to be compatible at WML level would be hell, and
> any change in the game would need to be coded twice, which means
> doubling the work or doubling the number of devs, half of them doing
> the boring task of rewriting what the first half did in another
> language. That won't work. People will get bored, the java port will
> lag behind, and quickly won't be compatible with the c++ port

I agree with that. I also think the Java porters will get bored soon
since Wesnoth uses several C++ features not in Java like multiple
inheritance and templates. (Disclaimer I'm no Java expert and I heard the
Java generics aren't as powerful as the C++ templates.)
I remember somebody working on a Python port who wasn't happy with the
multiple inheritance code since Python doesn't support that.

> > And making a basic UI with tools available on Android.
> >
> > Those are big chunks, but maybe without the GUI, advanced WML stuff, AI,
> > etc., this could still be a manageable project. You tell me...
> >
> my guess would be no.. that would not be manageable
> However this does not mean we must drop Android altogether... Despite
> what Google says it seems that it's quite feasible to do a C++ only
> port, with a few c++ <=> java specific plugs. SDL has been ported to
> android and there are a few game that use it for display. The only
> other thing we need is access to the input and the network, and maybe
> a few phone specific entries (to let the phone take precedence on
> incoming calls)

Typing "android c++" in your favourite search engine gives several
links. So it seems C++ can be used with the Android.

> My guess is c++ is the only way to go for android, but I have to admit
> I didn't study very far yet

I agree (include the study part).

Mark de Wever aka Mordante/SkeletonCrew

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