On 6 April 2010 12:41, jeremy rosen <jeremy.ro...@enst-bretagne.fr> wrote:
>> As an aside: one weakness is that the quit button should probably
>> throw up a "are you sure" type dialog, but this patch already
>> snowballed to the point I started to doubt its inclusion, so I omitted
>> that part.
> I personally don't think that accidentally skipping messages is enough
> a big deal to have an invasive "are you sure" window pop in.
> let's keep it as it is

The issue is for quit rather than skip. So the desired behaviour of
quit appeared to be "quit back to the main screen" which is what my
quit button does. So with this patch, the buttons you see at the
bottom are:

[Next >] -> next page of the story
[Back <] -> previous page of the story
[Skip] -> last page of the story
[Quit] -> get me out of here

The issue is if you hit that accidentally mid campaign without a save,
you just quit entirely. When this functionality surfaced in game a few
seconds later, you get a confirm dialog.

Issues with the individual buttons:
- next: should probably rename itself to Done on the last page (or
there should be a done button hiding in the same spot which can be
switched for it).
- back: if you go back at the start it reloads the same section - if
you have a slow machine like I do it appears to freeze if the section
is big. This is fixable by e.g. letting the controller know it's the
first segment not just if it's the last; if it's the first it should
grey out back (or hide it maybe?)
- skip: only issue I think I didn't address is what happens when
there's just one page in one segment. In this situation you only have
to press skip once (because you start at the end of the last segment).
There are two fixes for this: either force it to accept skip twice
(doable, somewhat artificial) or probably having a "Done" button makes
it clear what behaviour of skip is going to be invoked.
- quit: no confirm dialog, perhaps unclear what it does to the naive
user (though with a confirm dialog i think it probably would be.

Basically it already snowballed a couple of times up from what I
thought initially, and I got to the point where it was getting into
the "patches that never get committed" type size range. I can fix
any/all of these behaviours, but I wanted to start a dialogue about
the patch before I invested any more in it. I'm happy to aim for a
professional level of polish, but one can never judge what the people
applying a patch are looking for, and long patches from unknowns tend
to send off warning flags =)

> sidenote, did you add yourself+ added a changelog entry before posting to gna 
> ?

I added a changelog entry. I'm content to be unlisted for now as a
contributor (though putting my email in the potential commit message
i.e. applying patch from Ed <icelus...@gmail.com> would be nice, but
is not necessary).

> (just trying to gain some back and forth, i'm at work right now and
> can't check myself)

I appreciate you taking the time to look at it.


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