> * IE9 wraps all lines in <p> (including if you start typing in an
> empty text box). If you hit Enter multiple times, it inserts empty
> <p>s. Shift-Enter inserts <br>.
> * Firefox 4.0 just uses <br _moz_dirty=""> for Enter and Shift-Enter,
> always. (What's _moz_dirty for?)
> * Chrome 12 dev doesn't wrap a line when you start typing, but when
> you hit Enter it wraps the new line in a <div>. Hitting Enter
> multiple times outputs <div><br></div>, and Shift-Enter always inserts
> <br>.
> * Opera 11.10 wraps in <p> like IE, but for blank lines it uses
> <p><br></p> instead of just <p></p> (they render the same).
> What behavior do we want?
> A problem with <p> is that it has top and bottom margins by default,
> so hitting Enter once will look like a double line break. One
> real-world execCommand() user I looked at (vBulletin) sets p { margin:
> 0 } for its rich-text editor for this reason, and translates <p> and
> <div> to line breaks on the server side. The usual convention in text
> editors is that hitting Enter only creates one line break, although
> Word 2007 seems to do two by default.

But it also has the semantic property of being a paragraph, which is an 
advantage I think.

There is also one more question to answer.  If we're already in a block level 
element, what should happen when pressing Enter?  For example, for <div 
class="foo">bar|</div>, what should happen after pressing enter?  I think the 
sane thing to do is to create <div class="foo">bar</div><div 
class="foo">|</div> (since the div might be styled on the page, and not 
preserving the block's tag or class attr would take that away.

> Another problem with <p> is that it's very easy to create
> unserializable DOMs with it. I've seen cases where at least some
> browsers will put things inside <p> that will break out of the <p>,
> and I've done it myself by mistake too.

Would you elaborate, please?  Specifically, are you saying that in it's 
inferior to <div> in this regard?

> The problem with <br> is that it's a pain to deal with. It forces you
> to deal with lines as sequences of adjacent sibling nodes instead of
> as a single node. Also, sometimes <br> doesn't do anything, like
> (usually) a single <br> at the end of a block box, but when you add
> something after it it suddenly starts doing something. If lines
> aren't wrapped in block elements, then whenever you have to move
> around some text, you need to be sure that you check that you're not
> removing a <br> or failing to move one and thereby running two lines
> together, or leaving an extra <br> someplace so there are now two in a
> row. I've seen bugs to this effect in multiple browsers, where they
> don't insert a <br> when they should (but behave fine with <div>/<p>),
> and have made the mistake a lot myself.

br is considered to be the standard way of representing line breaks, which are 
part of the content.  About the problems that you're mentioning, I think we 
need to address them anyways, since <br>s might already be in the content even 
without having them assigned to Shift+Enter.

> So my current thought is to demarcate lines with <div>s consistently,
> only using <br> when there are multiple line breaks in a row. This is
> unlike any current browser, since everyone uses <br> at least for
> Shift-Enter. If this is the way we want to behave, then I'll also
> have commands normalize nearby <br>s to <div>s where it makes things
> easier, like I normalize other types of markup.

I think we want to keep using <br>s, but I'm not convinced if <div> is a better 
choice than <p>.

Ehsan Akhgari

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