On Thu, 12 May 2011 16:28:47 -0400, Aryeh Gregor <simetrical+...@gmail.com> wrote:

Behavior for Enter in contenteditable in current browsers seems to be
as follows:

* IE9 wraps all lines in <p> (including if you start typing in an
empty text box).  If you hit Enter multiple times, it inserts empty
<p>s.  Shift-Enter inserts <br>.
* Firefox 4.0 just uses <br _moz_dirty=""> for Enter and Shift-Enter,
always.  (What's _moz_dirty for?)
* Chrome 12 dev doesn't wrap a line when you start typing, but when
you hit Enter it wraps the new line in a <div>.  Hitting Enter
multiple times outputs <div><br></div>, and Shift-Enter always inserts
* Opera 11.10 wraps in <p> like IE, but for blank lines it uses
<p><br></p> instead of just <p></p> (they render the same).

I think the <br> is a filler so that there's something for the user to click and focus on to get the insertion point inside the <p>. IE use &nbps; for this instead. Opera has a bug where you have to press ENTER then backspace and then enter again to get rid of the <br> at the end of the element sometimes.

If the default content (innerHTML more or less) of the contentEditable element is <div><br></div> (like in <http://shadow2531.com/opera/testcases/designmode/000.html>), Opera will use DIVs when pressing enter (and <br> when pressing shift + enter).

A problem with <p> is that it has top and bottom margins by default,
so hitting Enter once will look like a double line break.

Ideally, users should realize that it's an editable part of a web page and that pressing ENTER once closes the current paragraph and starts a new one. They should also realize that the margins are part of the paragraphs, which causes them to be visually separated from other elements and that they don't need to do that manually by pressing ENTER again. These are not textareas or plain text editors after all.

Another problem with <p> is that it's very easy to create
unserializable DOMs with it.  I've seen cases where at least some
browsers will put things inside <p> that will break out of the <p>,
and I've done it myself by mistake too.

I think the browser/editor just shouldn't allow that in this case. (Not saying that it's easy to enforce it though.)

What behavior do we want?

<p> makes the most sense ideally. However, if the editor needs to pose as a line-based text editor, <br> makes the most sense. But, <p> styled with 0 margins or <div> would be better than <br> if there's a desire to group lines. If there is a desire to group lines, <p> will still be a little more semantic, but <div> will be easier as it can rely on default styles and doesn't have the unserializable dom issue. But, either way, <p></p> or <div></div> will still be used for blank lines, which doesn't seem ideal.

So my current thought is to demarcate lines with <div>s consistently,
only using <br> when there are multiple line breaks in a row.

So, if I type "Line 1" and press ENTER twice and then type "Line 3", I'd get:

<div>Line 1<br><br></div>
<div>Line 3</div>



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