On 12/3/12 7:33 PM, Ian Hickson wrote:
Note that onerror has a different type on HTMLElement and HTMLBodyElement.

Yes, indeed. That's the biggest problem with forwarding to Window for the HTMLElement.prototype case for "onerror" here: the types are different.

onscroll is a case where there's really no reason to use a different
setter, agreed. So I've commented that out (and it's similar friends).
That still leaves onerror though.

Indeed. I would have no problem with just having HTMLElement.prototype.onerror's setter set an error handler on the body itself, like it would on any other HTML element, and likewise for the getter.

Per our IRC discussion just now, I think I would propose that when a
method/setter/getter from a prototype of interface A is called against an
object that is of an interface B (or one of B's descendants), where B is a
subclass of A, and B defines its own method/getter/setter with the same
name, then it should throw.

Hmm. That, as phrased, is pretty complicated to implement in a performant way, if the two methods/getters/setters have the same signatures...


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