On 8/01/13 7:31 AM, Ian Hickson wrote:
heycam, did we resolve this at the WebIDL level by any chance? Or is this
still open? (If the latter, is there a bug# for it? Or is this an HTML
problem I need to fix myself?)

No, this didn't get resolved. https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=20225 is the open bug. I will respond there.

On Mon, 3 Dec 2012, Boris Zbarsky wrote:

I have to ask: are there languages or runtime systems that have that
sort of behavior on method calls (as opposed to in method
implementations in special cases where the operation is nonsensical)? It
seems weird to be requiring this behavior, in general.

Most languages, if you invoke the method of a superclass on an object of a
subclass that overrides that method in an incompatible way, will just let
you crash the application.

This isn't an option for us.

It might crash, but I'd say that's a bug in your class design that a superclass method cannot be called on a subclass.

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