> >Once again, I don't understand the flexibility issue. We were not 
> >talking about replacing the imodel interface, but the list 
> interface, 
> >both approaches can be wrapped in an imodel. What 
> flexibility do you lose?
> >  
> >
> Actually, I was. Having such a nested specific interface 
> nested would maybe solve one problem - the problem that in 
> some cases List isn't the ideal interface for ListView - but 
> I see more issues here. As one user said last week, it wasn't 
> immediately clear to him that ListView's models need to 
> return List instances. He found out not until runtime testing 
> it. This is where I could see space for improvement: by 
> having a special purpose model (e.g. like I proposed, but 
> combined with your suggestion it wouldn't force/ return a 
> list but another interface, or it would just /be/ that 
> interface) we would enhance type safety. We could prevent 
> users from using models that return wrong kinds of objects. 
> We can't prevent that now until runtime. On top of that, 
> there was the discussion about whether ListView and the List 
> interface were good matches.

I also do not think forcing a specific model interface onto a component at
such a high level is a good idea. You cannot do all the type checking at
compile time, at some point the programmer needs to know what they are
doing. What I was trying to achieve is a better low level interface that
makes it much easier to provide your own implementation if the default one
doesn't work for you.


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