On Wed, 10 Aug 2005 18:16:35 -0700, Igor Vaynberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Thanks for the patch.

A couple of comments:
1) I don't like iprimarykeyprovider, or whatever it ends up being called,
extend idataprovider. It can be its own interface that your own impl of
idataprovider can chose to ALSO implement.

That's propably better.

2) If we do (1) we can get rid of the duplicate onbeginrequest methods by
using an impl of iprimarykeyprovider that uses the long counter.

Yes there is a synergy but the current methods are still quite different - have to think abaout it. In case we make no model mapping (a removeall for no iprimarykeyprovider) than the counter is not realy needed.

Another thing:
Maybe in onRender instead of rendering over the viewSize we could use the Component.size(). I thought of this because I am a bit worried about the stability of viewSize. With a DB you will generally not read in a SERIALIZED transaction, so if someone else removes an entry between getItemCount() and the actual iterator-select than you could end up with a bigger viewSize than there are items in the iterator -> items for rendering. I am not sure if this is too much concern any thoughts?

Ok I think for today its enough.



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