On Tue, May 22, 2012 at 6:28 PM, Benj. Mako Hill <m...@mit.edu> wrote:

> If the result of that turmoil is that tax-payers get access to the
> research they funded and that the product of scientific knowledge is
> increasing accessible without pay-walls and fees that create
> roadblocks and exacerbate existing inequalities, I am willing to put
> up with a little turmoil.
> There are already thriving open access journals in many fields and
> plenty of reasons to believe that peer review is not at risk. But even
> if we had no idea *how* things would work out, let's not let a lack of
> imagination keep us from standing up for something that is
> right. Access to scientific knowledge is deeply important -- and a key
> part of why Wikipedia exists today. Just as Wikipedia has does in the
> area of reference works -- and lets not pretend Wikipedia growth has
> been without turmoil -- let's *make* it possible.

This is nicely put.


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