Hi Piotr, hi all,

Piotr, I like your idea about instituting awards because awards may help 
younger researchers in particular to 
try something new that their bosses are not likely to have tried out by 
themselves, e.g. contributing 
scientific or otherwise research-related stuff to Wikipedia

in my opinion, any idea that helps academics accept open science more 
wholeheartedly will in the long run 
benefit Wikipedia and the wikification of scientific publishing 

On Wed, 23 May 2012 17:48:27 -0400, Piotr Konieczny wrote
> If we want to encourage cooperation between academia and Wikipedia, we 
> have to make it worthwhile for academics to contribute to Wikipedia - 
> worthwhile in terms of their careers. One of the ways to do so would be 
> to have professional organizations for our respective professions 
> institute an award for popularization of the respective discipline on 
> Wikipedia.

let me illustrate this by an example: two words in your post ("for our 
respective professions" and "award") 
made me think I might point you to a contest for a scientific award that is 
currently running, until 31 May 
which is hosted by an open access journal in Leukemia research et al. (Cellular 
Therapy and Transplantation, 

the contest's first phase was run in a discussion forum on the journal's site 
with a subsequent traditional 
upload of papers to be reviewed by a Jury (whose names were publicized in 
advance), with the best six 
papers to be published in that journal afterwards

phase II of the contest is run in a blog, with the blog comments being 
potentially rewardable (by a prize in 
money, by votes etc.) and each comment getting its own doi 

the organizers think that such a contest is likely to be the first step for 
researchers in this field to use Web 
2.0 for scientiific purposes and in an open science frame. 

the next step would be to invite potential authors of this journal to 
contribute articles in the format of Topic 
Pages that could easily be "wikified" (thanks to Daniel's initiative, see e.g. 
his recent mail 

Q: does anyone know of similar initiatives in medicine or other fields that 
might help speed up some kind of 
habit change and maybe enhance new practices among researchers that get them 
closer to Wikipedia? or 
maybe of some specific criticism of any award in this regard?

thanks & cheers,

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