Congrats, Dariusz!

To anyone interested in exploring the main question Dariusz presented
further, the following article is recommended -

To those who have academic access and want to review online -
To those who don't, here is the bibliographic reference (Also attached the
PDF) -
Bayliss, G. (2013). Exploring the cautionary attitude toward Wikipedia in
higher education: Implications for higher education institutions. *New
Review of Academic Librarianship*, *19*(1), 36-57.

I still think we've made major steps forward in the past decade. Actually,
I'd say that these days, we are in the same place with Wikidata and
Academia, as we were about a decade or so with Wikipedia. But that's a
whole other discussion. :)


*Shani Evenstein Sigalov*

* Lecturer, Tel Aviv University.
* PhD Candidate, School of Education, Tel Aviv University.
* Azrieli Foundation Research Fellow.
* OER & Emerging Technologies Coordinator, UNESCO Chair
<> on Technology, Internationalization
and Education, School of Education, Tel Aviv University

* Member of the Board of Trustees
<>, Wikimedia
Foundation <>.
* Chairperson, The Hebrew Literature Digitization Society
* Chief Editor, Project Ben-Yehuda <>.


On Wed, Dec 4, 2019 at 12:04 AM Dariusz Jemielniak <>

> Hi,
> In this GigaScience piece, I'm arguing, that "We are the 1% in terms of
> knowledge access privilege; developing Wikipedia, the common good of
> humanity, is our moral obligation", and trying to figure out why academics
> still frown upon Wikipedia.
> Besides a shameless self-promo, I'm also genuinely curious what your
> experience with persuading people in Academia that what you do is legit is.
> best,
> dj
> --
> _____________________________________________________________
> [
> ]<>
> Dariusz Jemielniak, Ph.D., Full Professor, head of  MINDS<
> (Management in Networked and Digital  Societies), Kozminski University
> associate faculty Berkman-Klein Center for Internet and Society<
>>, Harvard University
> Recent articles:
>   *   Jérôme Hergueux, Dariusz Jemielniak (2019) Should digital files be
> considered a commons? Copyright infringement in the eyes of lawyers<
> The Information Society, 35(4): 198-215
>   *   Dariusz Jemielniak, Gwinyai Masukume, Maciej Wilamowski (2019) The
> Most Influential Medical Journals According to Wikipedia: Quantitative
> Analysis<>, Journal of Medical
> Internet Research, 21 (1), pp. e11429
>   *   Dariusz Jemielniak, Aleksandra Przegalinska, Agata Stasik (2018)
> Anecdotal evidence: understanding organizational reality through
> organizational humorous tales<
> HUMOR: International Journal of Humor Research 31:  3.  539–561.
>   *   Dariusz Jemielniak, Maciej Wilamowski (2017)  Cultural Diversity of
> Quality of Information on Wikipedias<
> Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology 68:  10.
> 2460–2470.
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