[resending with extra long text trimmed]

On Tue, May 7, 2013 at 12:40 PM, Jane Darnell <jane...@gmail.com> wrote:

> What is interesting about categories, is that no matter how shaky the
> system is, these are pretty much the only meta data that there is for
> articles, because as I said before, just about every article has one.

The biggest weakness with Wikipedia categories, in my opinion, is in how
they are used, rather than anything to do with the underlying technical

Going back to the original example of "American women writers" one is, in
my experience, just as likely to find listed a book with a title like
"Women Authors of the United States in the 20th Century" as one is to find
actual female scriveners.  Wikipedians seem to interpret them not so much
as "categories" but "things which might be of interest to people who were
interested in this label."

Perhaps if the editors had the ability to say "relatedTopic" in addition to
"categoryMember" this behavior could be re-shaped in the future.

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