Sorry for not replying earlier.. I am busy in real life.

It is good to be wrong, particularly about something like this. It is much
better to have this engine available to people. What I find relevant is
that additional tools are needed to make it shareable. This combined with
the learning curve involved, I do not have much time available to me
lately, prevent me from exploring it.

I do not really feel the need as WDQ fulfills my needs perfectly. It is
because it integrates with the tools that I use.

For me SPARQL may be awesome but as long as it does not integrate with
tools and is all over the place, it remains a niche; it is there for some
but not others. Once it does integrate and is mostly hidden from view, its
power becomes relevant. This has been as true for WDQ; most people use its
engine in tools but do not make queries themselves.

On 26 October 2015 at 16:31, Kingsley Idehen <kide...@openlinksw.com> wrote:

> On 10/25/15 10:51 AM, James Heald wrote:
> Hi Gerard.  Blazegraph is the name of the open-source SPARQL engine being
> used to provide the Wikidata SPARQL service.
> So Blazegraph **is** available to all of us, at
> <https://query.wikidata.org/>https://query.wikidata.org/ , via both the
> query editor, and the SPARQL API endpoint.
> It's convenient to talk describe some issues with the SPARQL service being
> "Blazegraph issues", if the issues appear to lie with the query engine.
> Other query engines that other people be running might be running might
> have other specific issues, eg "Virtuoso issues".  But it is Blazegraph
> that the Discovery team and Wikidata have decided to go with.
> The beauty of SPARQL is that you can use URLs to show query results (and
> even query definitions). Ultimately, engine aside, there is massive utility
> in openly sharing queries and then determining what might the real problem.
> Let's use open standards to work in as open a fashion as is possible.
> --
> Regards,
> Kingsley Idehen       
> Founder & CEO
> OpenLink Software
> Company Web: http://www.openlinksw.com
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> Personal WebID: http://kingsley.idehen.net/dataspace/person/kidehen#this
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