Cool.  Yeap, you got the idea now.

OK, We'll stay tuned for a future new Service ! and Google and the World thank you Stas :)

On Thu, Oct 6, 2016 at 8:39 PM Stas Malyshev <>

> Hi!
> > This is what I was thinking would have already been integrated into
> > Wikidata somehow, somewhere, ideally as a SERVICE to call in SPARQL if
> > there were any Category Labels , maybe another serviceParam for the
> > label Service that could take another serviceParam to retrieve the
> > subcategories ?
> Right now, we do not support calls out to external services, due to
> security issues it may produce. However, making limited API to
> specifically mediawiki API may be possible, it's actually an idea we
> haven't considered before and may be possible to do.
> Needs some thinking though, so don't expect it to be done by next week
> :) but interesting, I'll look into it.
> We probably will need to use generator since we'd need Wikidata IDs, but
> something like this:
> /w/api.php?action=query&format=json&prop=pageprops&generator=categorymembers&ppprop=wikibase_item&gcmtitle=Category%3AParking&gcmprop=ids%7Ctitle&gcmtype=subcat
> should work. It needs some code to be able to properly build and consume
> queries, but not impossible.
> --
> Stas Malyshev
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