On 10/6/16 2:57 PM, Thad Guidry wrote:
> Hello team :)
> So while I'm helping with the Wikidata - Schema.org mappings, a
> request came in to expose subcategories of an existing Wikipedia category.
> For example, say I start with this
> topic: https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q27119725  Parking facilities
> The topic's main category is shown as "Category:Parking facilities"
> and that has links to Wikipedia, specifically a Wikipedia category
> link, and where the WP category page has subcategories that I would
> like to expose somehow in whichever way is *easiest* currently with
> our tools, apis, etc.
> Can it all be done in SPARQL against some services that already expose
> WP subcategories given a specific category ?  Or is there an API that
> does this already ?  other tools that might expose WP categories ?
> The IDEAL GOAL is to query 'equivalent class' =
> schema.org/ParkingFacility <http://schema.org/ParkingFacility> and get
> back the WP categories *in one shot or query or api call.*
> http://schema.org/ParkingFacility
>  *
>     Parking facilities in India
>     <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Parking_facilities_in_India>‎
>  *
>     Parking facilities in the United States
> <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Parking_facilities_in_the_United_States>‎
>  *
>     Aircraft hangars
>     <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Aircraft_hangars>‎
>  *
>     Garages (parking)
>     <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Garages_%28parking%29>‎
>  *
>     Railway depots
>     <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Railway_depots>‎
> Any gurus ?

Hi Thad,

If there are owl:equivalentClass mappings in some Linked Data Space, and
the SPARQL service associated with said Data Space supports
owl:equivalentClass reasoning, then the answer to your question is yes.

What unknown right now is the class mappings between Wikidata and
Schema.org. If a dump of those exist, the rest is trivial :)


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