Just say "wd:Q12345" (the author) instead of "?author" ?

The backlinks thing works, but is tedious. You'll need to load the items
via action=wbgetentities to check if that link actually means "author", or
some other property.

On Wed, Apr 12, 2017 at 4:52 PM <f...@imm.dtu.dk> wrote:

> To get the works that an person has written It would use SPARQL with
> something link "SELECT * WHERE { ?work wdt:P50 ?author }".
> I could also get the authors of a work via Wikidata MediaWiki API.
> My question is whether it is possible to get the works of an author
> given the author. With my knowledge of the API, I would say it is not
> possible, except if you do something "Special:WhatLinksHere"
> (list=backlinks) and process/filter all the results.
> Finn Årup Nielsen
> http://people.compute.dtu.dk/faan/
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