This looks great Lydia, thanks!!

The descriptions look like enough for me to catch the idea and explain it to a student.

If such a student is interested, we will let you know. :)


On 13-04-2017 12:44, Lydia Pintscher wrote:
On Thu, Apr 13, 2017 at 4:44 PM, Aidan Hogan <> wrote:
Hi all,

So at my university the undergraduate students must do a three-month work
towards writing a final short thesis. Generally this work doesn't need to
involve research but should result in a final demonstrable outcome, meaning
a tool, application, something like that.

The students are in Computer Science and have taken various relevant courses
including Semantic Web, Big Data, Data Mining, and so forth.

I was wondering if there was, for example, a list of possible topics
internally within Wikidata ... topics that students could work on with some
guidance here and there from a professor. (Not necessarily research-level
topics, but also implementation or prototyping tasks, perhaps even regarding
something more speculative, or "wouldn't it be nice if we could ..." style

If there is no such list, perhaps it might be a good idea to start thinking
about one?

The students I talk with are very interested in doing tasks that could have
real-world impact and I think in this setting, working on something relevant
to the deployment of Wikidata would be a really great experience for them
and hopefully also of benefit to Wikidata.

(And probably there are other professors in a similar context looking for
interesting topics to assign students.)

Hi Aidan,

Thanks for reaching out. Such a list exists:  However it doesn't make a
lot of sense without some guidance. Some of these topics also already
have someone interested in working on them. It is best to have a quick
call with me to discuss it.


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