Please don’t get me wrong and don’t give any interpretation based on my 
Since the beginning of this thread, I am also trying to push the use of HDT 
here. For example, I was the one contacting HDT gurus to fix the dataset error 
on Twitter and so on...

Sorry if Laura or any one thought I was giving “some lessons here “. I don’t 
have a super computer either nor a member of Wikidata team. Just a “data 
consumer” as many here ..


Sent from my iPhone, may include typos

> Le 31 oct. 2017 à 20:44, Luigi Assom <itsawesome....@gmail.com> a écrit :
> Doh what's wrong with asking for supporting own user case "UC" ?
> I think it is a totally legit question to ask, and that's why this thread 
> exists.
> Also, I do support for possibility to help access to data that would be hard 
> to process from "common" hardware. Especially in the case of open data.
> They exists to allow someone take them and build them - amazing if can 
> prototype locally, right?
> I don't like the use case where a data-scientist-or-IT show to the other 
> data-scientist-or-IT own work looking for emotional support or praise.
> I've seen that, not here, and I hope this attitude stays indeed out from 
> here..
> I do like when the work of data-scientist-or-IT ignites someone else's 
> creativity - someone who is completely external - , to say: hey your work is 
> cool and I wanna use it for... my use case!
> That's how ideas go around and help other people build complexity over them, 
> without constructing not necessary borders.
> About a local version of compressed, index RDF - I think that if was 
> available, more people yes probably would use it.
>> On Tue, Oct 31, 2017 at 4:03 PM, Laura Morales <laure...@mail.com> wrote:
>> I feel like you are misrepresenting my request, and possibly trying to 
>> offend me as well.
>> My "UC" as you call it, is simply that I would like to have a local copy of 
>> wikidata, and query it using SPARQL. Everything that I've tried so far 
>> doesn't seem to work on commodity hardware since the database is so large. 
>> But HDT could work. So I asked if a HDT dump could, please, be added to 
>> other dumps that are periodically generated by wikidata. I also told you 
>> already that *I AM* trying to use the 1 year old dump, but in order to use 
>> the HDT tools I'm told that I *MUST* generate some other index first which 
>> unfortunately I can't generate for the same reasons that I can convert the 
>> Turtle to HDT. So what I was trying to say is, that if wikidata were to add 
>> any HDT dump, this dump should contain both the .hdt file and .hdt.index in 
>> order to be useful. That's about it, and it's not just about me. Anybody who 
>> wants to have a local copy of wikidata could benefit from this, since 
>> setting up a .hdt file seems much easier than a Turtle dump. And I don't 
>> understand why you're trying to blame me for this?
>> If you are part of the wikidata dev team, I'd greatly appreciate a 
>> "can/can't" or "don't care" response rather than playing the 
>> passive-aggressive game that you displayed in your last email.
>> > Let me try to understand ...
>> > You are a "data consumer" with the following needs:
>> >   - Latest version of the data
>> >   - Quick access to the data
>> >   - You don't want to use the current ways to access the data by the 
>> > publisher (endpoint, ttl dumps, LDFragments)
>> >  However, you ask for a binary format (HDT), but you don't have enough 
>> > memory to set up your own environment/endpoint due to lack of memory.
>> > For that reason, you are asking the publisher to support both .hdt and 
>> > .hdt.index files.
>> >
>> > Do you think there are many users with your current UC?
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