2017-10-31 21:27 GMT+01:00 Laura Morales <laure...@mail.com>:
>> I've just loaded the provided hdt file on a big machine (32 GiB wasn't
> enough to build the index but ten times this is more than enough)
> Could you please share a bit about your setup? Do you have a machine with 
> 320GB of RAM?

It's a machine with 378 GiB of RAM and 64 threads running Scientific
Linux 7.2, that we use mainly for benchmarks.

Building the index was really all about memory because the CPUs have
actually a lower per-thread performance (2.30 GHz vs 3.5 GHz) compared
to those of my regular workstation, which was unable to build it.

> Could you please also try to convert wikidata.ttl to hdt using "rdf2hdt"? I'd 
> be interested to read your results on this too.

As I'm also looking for up-to-date results, so I plan do it with the
last turtle dump as soon as I have a time slot for it; I'll let you
know about the outcome.

>> I'll try to run a few queries to see how it behaves.
> I don't think there is a command-line tool to parse SPARQL queries, so you 
> probably have to setup a Fuseki endpoint which uses HDT as a data source.

You're right. The limited query language of hdtSearch is closer to
grep than to SPARQL.

Thank you for pointing out Fuseki, I'll have a look at it.


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