Hi Samuel, All,

I am the software engineer responsible for sparql.uniprot.org.
I already offered to help in https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T206561.
So no need to ask Andra or Egon ;)

While we are good users of virtuoso, and strongly suggest it is evaluated. As it is in general a good product that does scale.[1]

One of the things we did differently than WDQS is to introduce a controlled layer between the "public" and the "database". To allow things like query rewriting/redirection upon data model changes, as well as rewriting some schema rediscovery queries to a known faster query. We also parse the queries with RDF4J before handing them to virtuoso. This makes sure that the queries that we accept are only valid SPARQL 1.1. Avoiding users getting used to almost SPARQL dialects (i.e. retain the flexiblity to move to a different endpoint). We are in the process of updating this code and contributing it to RDF4J, with the first contribution in the develop/4.0.0 branch

I think a number of current customizations in WDQS can be moved to a front RDF4J layer. Then the RDF4J sail/repository layer can be used to preserve flexibility. So that WDQS can more easily switch between backend databases in the future.

One large difference between UniProt and WDQS is that WikiData is continually updated while UniProt is batch released a few times a year. WDQS is somewhat easier in some areas and more difficult in others because of that.


[1] No Database is perfect, but it does scale a lot better than Blazegraph did. Which we also evaluated in the past. There is still a lot of potential in Virtuoso to scale even better in the future.

On 23/08/2021 21:36, Samuel Klein wrote:
Ah, that's lovely.  Thanks for the update, Kingsley!  Uniprot is a good parallel to keep in mind.

For Egon, Andra, others who work with them: Is there someone you'd recommend chatting with at uniprot? "scaling alongside uniprot" or at least engaging them on how to solve shared + comparable issues (they also offer authentication-free SPARQL querying) sounds like a compelling option.


On Thu, Aug 19, 2021 at 4:32 PM Kingsley Idehen via Wikidata <wikidata@lists.wikimedia.org <mailto:wikidata@lists.wikimedia.org>> wrote:

    On 8/18/21 5:07 PM, Mike Pham wrote:

    Wikidata community members,

    Thank you for all of your work helping Wikidata grow and improve
    over the years. In the spirit of better communication, we would
    like to take this opportunity to share some of the current
    challenges Wikidata Query Service (WDQS) is facing, and some
    strategies we have for dealing with them.

    WDQS currently risks failing to provide acceptable service quality
    due to the following reasons:


        Blazegraph scaling


            Graph size. WDQS uses Blazegraph as our graph backend.
            While Blazegraph can theoretically support 50 billion
            edges <https://blazegraph.com/>, in reality Wikidata is
            the largest graph we know of running on Blazegraph (~13
            billion triples
            and there is a risk that we will reach a size
            of what it can realistically support
            <https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T213210>. Once
            Blazegraph is maxed out, WDQS can no longer be updated.
            This will also break Wikidata tools that rely on WDQS.


            Software support. Blazegraph is end of life software,
            which is no longer actively maintained, making it an
            unsustainable backend to continue moving forward with long

    Blazegraph maxing out in size poses the greatest risk for
    catastrophic failure, as it would effectively prevent WDQS from
    being updated further, and inevitably fall out of date. Our long
    term strategy to address this is to move to a new graph backend
    that best meets our WDQS needs and is actively maintained, and
    begin the migration off of Blazegraph as soon as a viable
    alternative is identified

    Hi Mike,

    Do bear in mind that pre and post selection of Blazegraph for
    Wikidata, we've always offered an RDF-based DBMS that can handle
    current and future requirements for Wikidata, just as we do DBpedia.

    At the time of our first rendezvous, handling 50 billion triples
    would have typically required our Cluster Edition which is a
    Commercial Only offering -- basically, that was the deal breaker
    back then.

    Anyway, in recent times, our Open Source Edition has evolved to
    handle some 80 Billion+ triples (exemplified by the live Uniprot
    instance) where performance and scale is primary a function of
    available memory.

    I hope this helps.


    [1] https://wikidata.demo.openlinksw.com/sparql
    <https://wikidata.demo.openlinksw.com/sparql>-- Our Live Wikidata
    SPARQL Query Endpoint
    -- Google Spreadsheet about various Virtuoso Configurations
    associated with some well-known public endpoints
    [3] https://t.co/EjAAO73wwE <https://t.co/EjAAO73wwE> -- this query
    doesn't complete with the current Blazegraph-based Wikidata endpoint
    [4] https://t.co/GTATPPJNBI <https://t.co/GTATPPJNBI> -- same query
    completing when applied to the Virtuoso-based endpoint
    [5] https://t.co/X7mLmcYC69 <https://t.co/X7mLmcYC69> -- about
    loading Wikidata's datasets into a Virtuoso instance
    -- various demos shared via Twitter over the years regarding Wikidata

-- Regards,

    Kingsley Idehen     
    Founder & CEO
    OpenLink Software
    Home Page:http://www.openlinksw.com  <http://www.openlinksw.com>
    Community Support:https://community.openlinksw.com  
    Weblogs (Blogs):
    Company Blog:https://medium.com/openlink-software-blog  
    Virtuoso Blog:https://medium.com/virtuoso-blog  
    Data Access Drivers 

    Personal Weblogs (Blogs):
    Medium Blog:https://medium.com/@kidehen  <https://medium.com/@kidehen>
    Legacy Blogs:http://www.openlinksw.com/blog/~kidehen/  
                   http://kidehen.blogspot.com  <http://kidehen.blogspot.com>

    Profile Pages:
    Twitter:https://twitter.com/kidehen  <https://twitter.com/kidehen>

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        *Jerven Tjalling Bolleman*
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