Thank you Peter , you are amazing ! I am reading what you and Wayne wrote
very carefully and really learning a lot from both of you .I am not sure if
I understand the animal analogy , I would like to give my 2 cents to this on
the quality or healthy wiki resources .

1 What is the purpose of the educational resources ?

2 what need will be addressed ?

3 what program will be developed by using this resources

4 what faculty will be involoved ?

5 what kinds of staff will be invloved ?

6 what promotion need to done or training ?

7 how will you measure the being healthy or sucess ?


2008/5/7 Peter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Wayne,
> I believe we are trying to push into new ground. That of measuring the
> quality of wiki based OER. And I like that Leo agreed, reuse and
> recontextualization is most important.
> I also believe that the only people who can measure the health of a
> Grade 7 geography lesson for Pakistan are the people who live in that
> geographical area of Pakistan. So this IMHO goes back to community,
> not reviewing the content, unless the reviewers are local to the
> targeted learners of the content. And they created the "measures" for
> the review... this is why a maturity model is effective, cause it is
> subscriptive not prescriptive. to a certain extend the users decide
> what is mature
> I still believe the jury is out on the number of authors to make
> exemplary content. I believe it all depends on who the author(s) is/
> are...
> I agree with your healthy animal analogy... it all goes back to
> context, it all depends. That is why a review must be done within
> context...
> I believe if we are serious about reviewing the quality of WE content
> we need to be rigorous and have proven (and well researched)
> approaches. Otherwise we may be doing our community a dis-service. And
> providing reviews that aren't context sensitive. I think we need to be
> careful.
> I think we need to be proven zoo keepers for a long while before we
> can start assessing the health of the animals ;)
> Cheers,
> Peter
> On May 6, 3:08 pm, mackiwg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi Peter,
> >
> > Thanks for starting this thread --- these are tough and challenging
> > questions.
> >
> > I think we need to think about whose temperature we're measuring
> > <smile>. Is it the content or is it the community. So when we're
> > talking about the health of the WE OER community -- this is something
> > different from the health of the Grade 7 Geography lesson for
> > Pakistan.
> >
> > Stated conversely -- if exemplary content only has one or two authors,
> > does this mean the community is unhealthy?
> >
> > So the list of questions are measurements (or data) -- but not
> > necessarily value judgements about the health of the object -- if you
> > know what I mean. To stretch the health example -- cold blooded
> > animals would be healthy if they're at room temparature I guess, --
> > but the actual measurement would not necessarily be indicative of a
> > health mamal.
> >
> > Sorry -- I'm not a Zoologist  <smile> -- but hope the analogy works.
> >
> > Cheers
> > Wayne
> >
> > On May 6, 8:18 am, Peter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > > I think this is a timely question. What indicates a healthy wiki
> > > environment. I also think this question should be thought about in the
> > > context of WikiEducator and wiki based OER? How would this health be
> > > measured?
> > > Is it the number of contributors to a page or module?
> > > or is it the reputation of the pages primary author?
> > > or is it the number of edits?
> > > or is it the frequency of being referenced?
> > > or is it the number of times it has been reused and recontextualized?
> > > or is it the number of different countries that use it?
> > > or is in the number of visits?
> >
> > > or is it all of the above?
> >
> > > Peter
> >


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