Hi Peter and Leigh and WikiEducators --


I like the featured content resource suggestion -- something we also
alluded to in one of our earlier in our discussions on the topic:


I've added the suggestion to the QA and review page:


I like the idea of a the featured reuse category even more :-). Remix
and reuse is the untapped potential of the OER movement. Granted, its
difficult to get right, but this is the value proposition that will
get individuals investing time and institutions investing dollars in
getting this right. I'm confident that WE can make a valuable
contribution here.

OK to recap and emphasize important thoughts in the discussion:

1. We don't want or subscribe to hidden hierarchies --- hence our open
and transparent development of the QA and review page. WE have an open
invitation for volunteers to assist with drafting the necessary
documents and supporting resources. If anyone is interested please add
your names to the list.
2. Laziness is part of the social media therefore any system
implemented must be scalable and administered by the community. --
Hence the suggestion that an optional system be implemented. WE need
to figure how to scale this and how best to ensure active engagement
by the community.
3. Beware of "who's quality" -- Hence our guiding principle that
quality is "an illusive and complex concept -- it means different
things to different people and will always be context-dependent"
4. QA and optional review tools should not alienate WikiEducators --
especially newbies. I think that our two guiding principles, namely
that (1) quality is a  process not a state and (2) WE subscribe to
promoting a healthy wiki community where members are recognized and
rewarded for their contributions.
5. If we are serious about reviewing the quality of WE content we need
to be rigorous and have proven (and well researched) approaches. This
is the toughest and most complex task facing WE since its inception --
lets do an exemplary job and take the time it needs for our processes
to mature.
6. Maturity model frameworks appear to provide us with a substantive
framework to move forward.

It seems to me that the next steps are for the volunteer team to start
working on a few concept ideas on the wiki.


1) Final request for volunteers who want to assist in the development
of our QA and review processes -- please add your name to this page:


2) Please take a look at the questions on the talk page in the wiki
and have your say:


3) Then its up to the drafting team to propose and coordinate how WE
will take the process forward.


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