Hi Valerie,

Your community service project is a fantastic initiative, not too mention
that WE is a real live community project :-)

Thinking about community service projects within WE:

   - WikiEducator has a major challenge regarding proper license attribution
   of images uploaded on our site --- we need help in identifying and tagging
   suspect images --- we would need to think about process and support
   templates to tackle an initiative like this. This may tie up with
   identifying images which need replacement and or students helping to find
   appropriate replacements licensed under a free content license.
   - We need helpers, with relevant wiki skills who are qualified (or who
   could potentially qualify) at the level of WikiBuddy to assist with the
   certificaiton of past L4C participants under the Wikimaster typology (
   http://wikieducator.org/WikiMaster ). There are unfortunately a large
   number of L4C participants who have not formerly applied for certification,
   or where the facilitor had ommitted to apply the certification. This is a
   very important task under WE's monitoring and evaluation plan to accurately
   access the skills profile of WE users in accordance with the different
   categories under the WikiMaster typology.
   - Translation work on tutorials etc is always well received.

I'm sure there are many other projects in WE where we would benefit from
community service hours :-).


2009/6/7 valerie <vtay...@gmail.com>

> I'm looking for a couple of projects for my students to work on. They
> need to do 12 hours of community service learning in the second and
> third week of July.
> If you need some help with web research, we might be able to help.
> Given some guidance, students can research a topic for web sites that
> meet your criteria. This can be especially helpful if you are building
> a library of resources about a topic. The students can do a good job
> of finding sites for your review.
> Other projects that students sometimes help with
> * review and feedback on sites or course material
> * finding pictures on the web about a topic
> Some students read and write languages other than English, and can do
> some translation.
> An overview of the community service requirements and examples of
> other partner projects
> http://wikieducator.org/DeAnza_College/CIS2/Community_service_learning_guidelines
> Students really appreciate working on "real" projects for other
> organizations. If you have any projects that you think students can
> help with, please contact me.
> ..Valerie
> >

Wayne Mackintosh, Ph.D.
International Centre for Open Education,
Otago Polytechnic, New Zealand.
Founder and Community Council Member, Wikieducator, www.wikieducator.org

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