American English please. Don't understand. (maybe I have a small brain).

On Sun, Jul 10, 2011 at 6:40 AM, simonfj <> wrote:

> Many thanks Wayne,
> Carina, please don't think I'm having a go at you. I just hate to see
> wayne overworked (which he is all the time).
> I'll only make one comment on the problem with engaging NREN guys.
> They really do want to help. It's just that mouse trap builders
> language is sooo different to that of OER cheese makers. Also, the
> stuff that most cheese makers see as e-learning tools are lumped
> together as "commodity internet" by the network guys and largely
> discounted. "Let google, facebook, Elluminate, etc, look after those
> (web) apps. We'll provide access to that social stuff for users via an
> institutional user's account/log in. We want to R&D the high bandwidth
> (engineeringly challenging) stuff". Boys and their toys.
> But the twain is starting to meet. There's a global group of
> (institutional) authentication guys, who are starting to push.
> Eventually they're going to have to answer the
> broader institutional questions around providing citizen's with a
> lifelong learning account.
> option=com_content&view=article&id=72&Itemid=100056
> They just lack the input of lots of global (disciplinary) groups, like
> OERers in the elearning space, who can define the combination(s) of
> "common services" which they want to share. And a scheme which
> provides a directory to a global disciplinary group's/community's info
> and comms.
> OK. This is the call out of the ec. Check out the "work programme".
> I've already pointed to where the discussions around this call work
> their way through, from Brussels, to the Asian end.
> But you'd have to be across the LinkedIn groups and conferences that
> the EC's contractors (Sigma Orionis) have been running (in Asia
> Pacific, SE Asia, Europe & Africa) to see the 'common service'
> requirements starting to form up.
> This is the Euro end. You've seen the
> sea(coop) end of the same discussions.
> I don't know what your relationships are like with NICTA. But one aim
> would be to add a "Common services" tag off terry's page.
> I've pointed to the Aussie short list of common services on the aaf
> site. (which they never use of course).
> At least we can start talking about OER and "common services" as two
> sides of the open e-science, e-gov, e-ducation, coin.
> Now if only we can get policy makers out of the habit of believing
> that public servants will be "delivering" services online.
> Look. Can yu start us on in the wiki space. You've got a much bigger
> oer perspective than i have. You've got the model right. But I'm
> thinking in terms of the comms like not the oer
> info.
> I can fill in the infrastructure overview better if I can understand
> what you have in mind in aggregating and distributing oer content.
> I've also got to start brushing up on my rusty video skills.
> Somehow, we've got to explain stuff like this.
> to some web designers and their bosses at the ec.
> so we can get these guys to coordinate their activites.
> I've given myself 3 (warm) months in Thailand to get something in
> front of the country funders.
> If we don't get it together for this call, then it's the one after.
> Kop jai, simon
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With Sincerest Best Wishes ,

Gene Loeb, Ph.D.

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