Hi Michael,

Hey, the page looks a bit chaotic. But that doesn't hurt. You've
certainly got me thinking. That tiki-toki tool is interesting. I keep
thinking about how to displays parrallel evolutions.

I'd tend to ask students to do "their" version, after assembling a few
more interesting perspectives. This one might be useful.
It tends to break down the belief that the internet is some cohesive

The "evolution of html" is obviously still too close to the top. Tim
berners lee's proposal for the www being in 1990. 
As he said ""I just had to take the hypertext idea and connect it to
the Transmission Control Protocol and domain name system ideas and—ta-
da!—the World Wide Web." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tim_Berners-Lee

So maybe some background on the history of hypertext may be an idea.
This one's not real good.

You might also want to bring "the internet" down to a local level and
ask students, "so which network do we use to connect to the Internet
in this classroom?". That should get a few brain cells twitching.
(Just so you're a chapter ahead. It's http://www.karen.net.nz/ at your

Do us a favour. I'm not based anywhere. Been travelling for the past
18 months. Europe last year. Asia this. Thailand today.
Please don't "consider a separate part for other countries". I spend
most of my time trying to get NRENs to collaborate. They don't. They
compare. That's why OERers end up having to cobble together tools like
this google group, with a wiki (in our case). AsiaPac doesn't have an
(active) association for NRENs. But the euo based one is not bad.

Government and education are the only two industries which can't adapt
to a globalized world. They just can't get past their national
borders. I won't rave on here as I want to start at wayne's critical
point - ".. a ludicrous situation where taxpayers are frequently
required to pay twice for their learning materials."

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