Fantastic Job.

Kudos to Anil and the team of volunteers taking open education forward to
new levels!

I've cast my consensus poll votes at:

All WikiEducators should do the same :-)

Looking forward to seeing the outcome of our community consultation.


On Fri, May 11, 2012 at 4:42 PM, Anil Prasad <> wrote:

> Dear friends,
> First of all I convey my hearty gratitude to all the WE community members
> who expressed genuine interest in setting up a WikiEducator community
> college (a community-driven initiative to provide and support training
> including: wiki skills, creation and use of OER, open licensing, online
> learning, teaching, mentoring as well as promoting research on related
> topics) and submitted their choices for a name to it.  The response of
> the community was amazing - WE got 30 nominations!
> The time for nominations was closed officially by the end of business on
> 10 May 2012. Now it is the time to choose one name for the proposed
> community college from the 30 wonderful nominations we have received. For
> this purpose a rough consensus poll 
> page<>has
>  been setup in WikiEducator. The poll is designed in three parts to gauge
> opinion on the scope of the proposed initiative and preferred name for the
> initiative based on submissions made by the community.
> Section:1 Cast your vote regarding the proposed scope of the initiative
> Section 2 Your opinion regarding specific reference to "WikiEducator" in
> the proposed name for the initiative
> Section 3 Your preferences for naming this initiative - this is the
> section for casting your vote for a name.
> The first two section will help the voters to revisit and review  the
> draft Overview and Objectives of the 
> project<> and
> arrive at a logical conclusion while selecting the name.
> *Technology related instructions*:
>    - You will need a WikiEducator 
> account<>
>  and
>    you must be logged in to cast your votes.
>    - You must check the relevant options and click on the "Vote" or
>    "Change my vote" button displayed below each option to record or change
>    your vote.
>    - If your login session has expired (*e.g.* no activity after a long
>    period), you will not be able to vote or change your vote. Login to
>    WikiEducator again.
>    - You can change your vote at any time till the close of the poll.
> *Please cast your votes by the close of business on 19 May, 2012 in your
> time zone*
> *
> *
> *Visit the poll page and cast your votes*
> *
> *
> --
> Warm regards
> Anil

Wayne Mackintosh <>, Ph.D.
Director OER Foundation <>
Director, International Centre for Open Education, Otago Polytechnic
Commonwealth of Learning Chair in OER, Otago Polytechnic
Founder and elected Community Council Member,
Mobile +64 21 2436 380
Skype: WGMNZ1
Twitter <> |<>
Wikiblog <>

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